atleast yall have good weather and oxycontinThis is Florida though. shyt is fukked up here.

atleast yall have good weather and oxycontinThis is Florida though. shyt is fukked up here.
I hope black folks learn from this. Start buying guns. Lots of them and get your concealed carry permit. At least you will have a fighting chance. Every black male in america should be stapped at this point. Thats how you send a message. Gotta ise the same laws against them. If blacks start buying a bunch of guns in mass watch those stand your ground get reformed quick.
Gonna go rob a bank and use Zimmerman's lawyers
I hope black folks learn from this. Start buying guns. Lots of them and get your concealed carry permit. At least you will have a fighting chance. Every black male in america should be stapped at this point. Thats how you send a message. Gotta use the same laws against them. If blacks start buying a bunch of guns in mass watch those stand your ground get reformed quick.
silly you thinking that if Zimmerman was black and TM was white the verdict would be the same. I just read your screen name, so let me explain. That's not how it works here.
Gonna go rob a bank and use Zimmerman's lawyers
I can see it now...........The Defense's closing arguments, "Yes, Mr.Mayo did enter the bank with a concealed firearm, but it's not a crime in America to do so. Yes Mr.Mayo did leave the bank with a bag full of money, but is that not typically what happens when a person leaves a bank? They either deposit money, or leave with money. Mr.Mayo was leaving with money which again is not a crime and actually a benefit to society as he actions contribute to the economy. What the teller and Mr.Mayo had was a miscommunication. He wanted to simply withdrawal some money, and the teller, Ms.Jenteal thought they were being robbed, but that was not the case. It's no different than going to the grocery store and the person working the cash register gives you back too much change and being that you're in a rush didn't notice their mistake. Again, that is not a crime, but a simple miscommunication."
You know what this case really means.
It is a victory for us--the civilized. The savages have destroyed one major city. They have turned 10+ major cities (atlanta, memphis, oakland, detriot, camden, new ark, chicago, st. Loius, cleveland, baltimore, birmmingham) into war zones that look like third world countries.
The liberals make excuses for the savages, and they tells they just need social support (money). We spend billions to support them yet the crime rate goes up, not down. In fact, the liberals have enabled them with the "youth" friendly media, and academic pseudosciences like sociology. The savages are allowed to roam free and terrorize t
America's streets like raider parties in a fallout wasteland.
But on saturday july, 13 2013, Americans said plainly, "no more". No more savages on our streets. No more racist haters attacking "creepy ass crackers". Zimmerman is a damned hero. He protected his neighborhood from savages.
The surenos protected Their neighborhoods from the savages, and as a result, LA is a very safe place now. it has a very low violent crime rate.[/QUOTE] Aint nothin but Surenos on that list.