Sony is in a dilemma, Support DRM and lose "X" amount of gamers or not support DRM and lose publishers.
They're not gonna lose publishers.
They're not going to lose gamers either.
The community always cries and threatens to boycott games. Look at what happened with the new Simcity. Gamers cried and threatened to boycott because of the DRM and the always on internet requirement.....and it still made EA truckloads of money. Broke records even. People have similarly cried about every single Call of Duty release and it still sells. Remember the Modern Warfare matchmaking boycott? Still sold. Halo and the demand for dedicated servers back in the day? Still sold.
If the gaming community has shown us anything at all it's that they are just as big of sellouts as the companies they support.
And the examples I listed above were mostly about the PC community. Who are usually considered the hardcore gamers. If even they can't make a boycott work you think console gamers are going to be able to?