Genocide Joe finally speaks on Gaza protests at universities UPDATE: Columbia President Resigns

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Oh I get it now. You’re a globalist :mjlol:

Do you think it silly to concentrate on bullshyt like race/religion/borders?
How many future world saving scientists, nobel laureates, inventors etc are in isreal and palestine?

Who cause of this issue will never become who they were born to be?

More issues we have, less we can concentrate fully on real shyt.
Pollution, education etc

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
The US is teetering right now, a second trump term with a republican senate the amount of irreparable damage to civil rights and black peoples liberties is unfathomable just the amount of right wing cranks and racists trump will further pack the court with ,the damage will take centuries to undo, yet biden is fine with this just to keep propping up fascist netayanhu, i have no love for the right wing israeli government.

Honest question.
Do you seriously, seriously believe Biden is for Netanyahu, and some of the bullshyt he does?
Everything you know about Biden

You really think he saying in private to him "great job buddy, keep it up"

Honest question

Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
The US is teetering right now, a second trump term with a republican senate the amount of irreparable damage to civil rights and black peoples liberties is unfathomable just the amount of right wing cranks and racists trump will further pack the court with ,the damage will take centuries to undo, yet biden is fine with this just to keep propping up fascist netayanhu, i have no love for the right wing israeli government.
This is what is so :mindblown:

If the republican candidate on the other side was Mitt Romney or something, people would just vote for him.

But its TRUMP. WE KNOW WHAT HE IS, BIDEN KNOWS WHAT HE IS. Why the FUKK is he willing to even RISK a trump presidency for Netanyahu.

We said Putin had shyt on Trump that's why Trump was his bytch

Where is that same energy for Biden. What do the Israelis have on Biden that lets them dog walk him into wars and a genocide

Geek Nasty

Brain Knowledgeably Whizzy
Jan 30, 2015
South Kakalaka
You niccas is goofy, if you black, why are worried about this at all? I get concerns about the citizens in this conflict but that's where it should stop.

Second, Biden is your best shot. Trump is going to be WAY mothafukkin' worse regarding this issue if he gets in office. Joe is your best bet brehs :whew:

We just gave $26 billion to an Apartheid state with 8 million to bomb refugee camps with 2 million. But hey keep watching Tiktok dances

Roger king

May 24, 2022
Honest question.
Do you seriously, seriously believe Biden is for Netanyahu?
Everything you know about Biden

You really think he saying in private to him "great job buddy, keep it up"

Honest question
I believe biden ideologically is a zionist and sees his job as to support israel no matter what
This is what is so :mindblown:

If the republican candidate on the other side was Mitt Romney or something, people would just vote for him.

But its TRUMP. WE KNOW WHAT HE IS, BIDEN KNOWS WHAT HE IS. Why the FUKK is he willing to even RISK a trump presidency for Netanyahu.

We said Putin had shyt on Trump that's why Trump was his bytch

Where is that same energy for Biden. What do the Israelis have on Biden that lets them dog walk him into wars and a genocide
At this point simply looking at swing state polls and national polling trump is the favorite to be the next US president which is insane given the insurrection, his criminal indictments and so on but thats how bad people have soured on biden, arabs and muslims in michigan a critical swing state biden has to win! have made it clear they wont vote for biden. Its getting hard to see a path to re election for biden

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
I believe biden ideologically is a zionist and sees his job as to support israel no matter what

At this point simply looking at swing state polls and national polling trump is the favorite to be the next US president which is insane given the insurrection, his criminal indictments and so on but thats how bad people have soured on biden, arabs and muslims in michigan a critical swing state biden has to win! have made it clear they wont vote for biden. Its getting hard to see a path to re election for biden

That is not what I asked you.

Do you seriously believe he in support of palestininans being harmed?

Maybe he does, I do not know.
Everything I have known about Joe says otherwise.

All reports say in private, he is not with it.
Even his wife Jill is not with it.

Again, do you really believe Joe supports the bullshyt?

Roger king

May 24, 2022

That is not what I asked you.

Do you seriously believe he in support of palestininans being harmed?

Maybe he does, I do not know.
Everything I have known about Joe says otherwise.

All reports say in private, he is not with it.
Even his wife Jill is not with it.

Again, do you really believe Joe supports the bullshyt?
What he believes is irrelevant its his actions and thus far he has given the israeli government carte blance and a blank check to do whatever they like, he has used his power to veto un resolutions to support palestine. Who cares what he says in private? He is the leader of the free world the us president speaks and market changes and others leaders ears perk up, there is no excuses

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
What he believes is irrelevant its his actions and thus far he has given the israeli government carte blance and a blank check to do whatever they like, he has used his power to veto un resolutions to support palestine. Who cares what he says in private? He is the leader of the free world the us president speaks and market changes and others leaders ears perk up, there is no excuses

Who cares?
This what the thread about

Saying he in support of genocide
That is a fukd up thing to say of a person

So was asking if you really believe that

Has he not encouraged israel to have restraint?

Has he not done that?

Is he not the reason that things are not worse than they are?
That food is going in etc

You know more about this than I do, so I am seeking education

Roger king

May 24, 2022
Who cares?
This what the thread about

Saying he in support of genocide
That is a fukd up thing to say of a person

So was asking if you really believe that

Has he not encouraged israel to have restraint?

Has he not done that?

Is he not the reason that things are not worse than they are?
That food is going in etc

You know more about this than I do, so I am seeking education
When did i say explicitly biden is in support of genocide? I am simply saying that currently he is on a path to being the modern day jimmy carter, a 1 term president. You cant scare folks who are seeing innocent babies limbs get blown off and children starving about the scary alternative that is trump when biden is already awful right now. He could stop all us offensive weapons to israel right now, that is a tangible penalty, he wont do that, they blew up and killed innocent peace aid workers the worst they got was a stern warning


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
The US is teetering right now, a second trump term with a republican senate the amount of irreparable damage to civil rights and black peoples liberties is unfathomable just the amount of right wing cranks and racists trump will further pack the court with ,the damage will take centuries to undo, yet biden is fine with this just to keep propping up fascist netayanhu, i have no love for the right wing israeli government.

You keep bringing up the republicans decimating black peoples progress but we havent thrived under biden either so what the fukk is the point???! Both of these men aint doing shyt to improve our condition so what the fukk is your point???:what: this is about joe bidden supporting a genocide :comeon:

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
When did i say explicitly biden is in support of genocide? I am simply saying that currently he is on a path to being the modern day jimmy carter, a 1 term president. You cant scare folks who are seeing innocent babies limbs get blown off and children starving about the scary alternative that is trump when biden is already awful right now. He could stop all us offensive weapons to israel right now, that is a tangible penalty, he wont do that, they blew up and killed innocent peace aid workers the worst they got was a stern warning

The title of the thread calls him such.

Which is the question I asked earlier about stopping support.

What happens if America stops supporting Israel?
If it is seen to be on its own?
Have you thought deeply about that?

Are American politicians a bunch of heartless fools?
They are advised by THOUSANDS of analysts, playing out different scenarios.

Have you thought about the alternative?

Roger king

May 24, 2022
You keep bringing up the republicans decimating black peoples progress but we havent thrived under biden either so what the fukk is the point???! Both of these men aint doing shyt to improve our condition so what the fukk is your point???:what: this is about joe bidden supporting a genocide :comeon:
Brother i say this with all sincerity the work biden appointed judges are doing already to give everyday people a chance in courts and better shot at justice is significant, he has appointed a record number of civil rights lawyers and public defenders to the federal bench, prior to biden it was all corporate attorneys and hardened prosecutors. Look at some of what biden appointed judges have ruled on and in nearly all cases the trump judges dissent.


  • Authored a 2–1 appellate court decision allowing a disabled man to challenge a denial of Social Security benefits, overturning an administrative law judge and a lower court (Conway v. O’Malley). Judge Jennifer Sung of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals concluded that there are simply not enough jobs within the man’s ability range. As PFAW notes, she set a circuit-wide precedent “concerning proof of whether a disability applicant can perform work.”
  • Reversed a lower court ruling that denied a black landowner the chance to seek damages from the United States Postal Service over its refusal to deliver mail to her address; the claimant argues that USPS did this because two of its employees did not “like the idea that a black person” owned the properties (Konan v. USPS). Judge Dana Douglas of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals wrote the opinion for a unanimous three-judge panel, which overturned the ruling of a Trump-appointed district court judge.
This are two biden appointed judges in his first term one overturned a ruling allowing a disabled man to challenge his social security benefits denial and be able to get what he is due, the other dana douglas a black woman biden appointed to the fifth circurt(federal appellate court) overturned a ruling by a trump judge who denied a black landowner damages .

Biden judges as a whole will give the average person, worker, disabled, minority etc a fair shot and a fair chance in courts to get justice and this trump judges will not this is a substantive tangible diffeence right here. I am a biden critic but the best thing about his first term tenure have been his judicial appointments. I remind you the black brother who prosecuted derek chauvin in minnsotta was appointed to be a federal judge by biden.

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Brother i say this with all sincerity the work biden appointed judges are doing already to give everyday people a chance in courts and better shot at justice is significant, he has appointed a record number of civil rights lawyers and public defenders to the federal bench, prior to biden it was all corporate attorneys and hardened prosecutors. Look at some of what biden appointed judges have ruled on and in nearly all cases the trump judges dissent.


  • Authored a 2–1 appellate court decision allowing a disabled man to challenge a denial of Social Security benefits, overturning an administrative law judge and a lower court (Conway v. O’Malley). Judge Jennifer Sung of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals concluded that there are simply not enough jobs within the man’s ability range. As PFAW notes, she set a circuit-wide precedent “concerning proof of whether a disability applicant can perform work.”
  • Reversed a lower court ruling that denied a black landowner the chance to seek damages from the United States Postal Service over its refusal to deliver mail to her address; the claimant argues that USPS did this because two of its employees did not “like the idea that a black person” owned the properties (Konan v. USPS). Judge Dana Douglas of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals wrote the opinion for a unanimous three-judge panel, which overturned the ruling of a Trump-appointed district court judge.
This are two biden appointed judges in his first term one overturned a ruling allowing a disabled man to challenge his social security benefits denial and be able to get what he is due, the other dana douglas a black woman biden appointed to the fifth circurt(federal appellate court) overturned a ruling by a trump judge who denied a black landowner damages .

Biden judges as a whole will give the average person, worker, disabled, minority etc a fair shot and a fair chance in courts to get justice and this trump judges will not this is a substantive tangible diffeence right here. I am a biden critic but the best thing about his first term tenure have been his judicial appointments. I remind you the black brother who prosecuted derek chauvin in minnsotta was appointed to be a federal judge by biden.

Are you agreeing then that everything we know about Joe, he would not be a supporter of genocide?

My perspective on isreal is simply that they basically another american base
They help America a whole lot with intelligence etc in the region
Most Americans would rather they be there, than Americans be over there.

So in essence, they almost like pawns or front line soldiers for America
Is that a bad analysis?