Genetically modified food


May 6, 2012
That's why it's best to CLEANSE yourself of these foods if you eat them because it's impossible to 100% avoid them.

Herbs like:Psyllium Husk, Cascara Sagrada, burdock root and herbs good for cleansing the liver, blood and other major organs are good to rid the body of GMO consumption.

MSM Sulfur is good also.

I don't worry about this shyt because I take and consume cleansing herbs and plants daily so I'm already accounted for if I happen to consume this stuff.


All Star
Jun 11, 2012
Eventually we all will be eating GMOs coz the pupulation is increasing and the land is not
Ya but its not because of population due to unnecessary meat consumption/over consumption


Dec 8, 2012
We are doomed, the reason why cancer is on the rise is because we are eatting GMO foods and its almost impossible to know if the labels on your food are right or if there is 100% no GMO in your food, unless you grow your own shyt


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
New 90-Day Rat Study Destroys Corporate GMO Propaganda

New 90-Day Rat Study Destroys Corporate GMO Propaganda
TOPICS:Brandon TurbevilleGMOPropagandaScience

JANUARY 3, 2017


By Brandon Turbeville

GM proponents who constantly drone on with untrue claims that the science has clearly demonstrated GMOs as safe were dealt yet another blow shortly before Thanksgiving this past year.

This is because yet another study has been published demonstrating the negative health effects of GMOs on the intestinal tract.

This study by Ibrahim and Okasha entitled “Effect of genetically modified corn on the jejunal mucosa of adult male albino rat.,” and published in the journalExperimental and Toxicologic Pathology has demonstrated that rats fed GM Bt corn MON810 for only 90 days did indeed suffer rather serious damage to the surface mucous membranes of the jejunum – which is part of the small intestine.

The specific type of corn fed to the rats was MON810: Ajeeb YG. This is a GM version of Ajeeb, which is a local species of corn grown in Egypt. The GM version was created by Monsanto for the Egyptian market.

The rats who were fed the GM corn were given the MON810 corn as 30% of their diet. The control group was given the same amount of non-GMO corn.

In the group fed GM corn, the finger-like structures in the intestine known as villi that absorbs nutrients from food were clearly damaged. They were both distorted and flattened and some cells were even joined together.

The study includes images and shows photographs of the damage. There were also signs of inflammation around the areas of damage in the form of white blood cell infiltration. The mucosal glands were disturbed and blood vessels were congested. There was also an increased level of shedding of mucosal cells, higher rates of division of cells lining the mucosal glands and larger numbers of mucous secreting goblet cells.

The damage to the GM-fed rats was so obvious, that the researchers concluded, “consumption of GM-corn profoundly alters the jejunal histological [microscopic] structure”

They also added that,

Results from the current study could show that in spite of the assuring reports on GM products, GM corn has profoundly altered the histological structure of the jejunal mucosa at many levels and revealed several alarming signs, as the proliferative and eroded hemorrhagic lesions in addition to several ultrastructural alterations described here for the first time for jejunum under GM corn influence.

The researchers also called for more research to be done in order to determine exactly how this strain of GM corn inflicted this type of damage on the intestinal system. Their suppositions include direct damage as a result of the Bt toxin or indirect damage as a result of gut bacteria disruption.

The limitations of the study include the fact that the control group was not given the Ajeeb non-GM variety and there was no analysis in terms of the possibility of the presence of pesticide residues and other contaminants. Still, the findings of this new study are extremely significant in that they demonstrate that at best, GM MON810: Ajeeb YG causes damage to the intestinal system.

However, the results do seem to indicate that it is the process of genetic modification that is the cause of this damage. This is not the only study of its kind.

As GM Watch writes,

Two earlier rat feeding studies by Egyptian scientists on the same GM corn, MON810: Ajeeb YG, showed harm in the GM-fed animals. In these cases, the comparator was the appropriate non-GM parent variety Ajeeb, so the ill effects shown in the rats were due to the GM process.

In the first study, rats fed the MON810: Ajeeb YG for 45 and 91 days showed differences in organ and body weights and in blood biochemistry, compared with rats fed the non-GM Ajeeb parent variety grown side-by-side under the same conditions. The authors noted that the changes could indicate “potential adverse health/toxic effects”, which needed further investigation.[3]

In the second study, histopathological (microscopic) investigations by the same group of researchers found toxic effects in multiple organs in the rats fed the GM MON810: Ajeeb YG Bt corn for 91 days. Effects included abnormalities and fatty degeneration of liver cells, congestion of blood vessels in kidneys, and excessive growth and necrosis (death) of the intestinal villi. Examination of the testes revealed necrosis and desquamation (shedding) of the spermatogonial cells that are the foundation of sperm cells and thus of male fertility.[4]

It is significant that the findings of the second study, namely cell abnormalities, congestion of blood vessels, and damage to the intestinal villi were also found in the new study by Ibrahim and Okasha.

It should be noted, that in both of these studies the non-GM Ajeeb variety was used for the control group, thus demonstrating that the process of genetic modification is most likely the culprit for such damage. Likewise it should be noted that the rats showed now outward signs of illness (possibly due to the short duration of the study) but they were clearly sick.

Perhaps now we can begin putting to rest the disingenuous claims by GMO proponents that there are no studies showing the dangers of GMOs. As more and more studies are published demonstrating the danger of GMOs – corporations, governmental regulatory bodies andscientific call girls as well as the fake news media outlets that constantly tout the benefits of GMOs will continue to lose their credibility.
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May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
Remember this happened under BHO's Democratic administration..........which is why I keep repeating political parties and race in alot of instances is insignificant when policies and regulations are hurting all people.

Fukkbois come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and background. Yall gone learn.

To be fair I have lil hope that Don Cheeto is going to do much. Again, he's so business savvy and headstrong that he forgets regulations are needed to ptrotect health and the environment. Not once in 4 election cycles has a major candidate been asked about their thoughts on GMO food. The silence speaks volumes, but jokers still rah rah rah for smiling charming politicians allowing poisoning of our air, water, and food supply.....:snoop:

EPA Official Accused of Helping Monsanto `Kill' Cancer Study on Glyphosate Pesticide

EPA Official Accused of Helping Monsanto ‘Kill’ Cancer Study
Joel Rosenblatt
Lydia Mulvany
, and
Peter Waldman
March 14, 2017, 1:18 PM CDTMarch 14, 2017, 7:44 PM CDT

The Environmental Protection Agency official who was in charge of evaluating the cancer risk of Monsanto Co.’s Roundup allegedly bragged to a company executive that he deserved a medal if he could kill another agency’s investigation into the herbicide’s key chemical.

The boast was made during an April 2015 phone conversation, according to farmers and others who say they’ve been sickened by the weed killer. After leaving his job as a manager in the EPA’s pesticide division last year, Jess Rowland has become a central figure in more than 20 lawsuits in the U.S. accusing the company of failing to warn consumers and regulators of the risk that its glyphosate-based herbicide can cause non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

“If I can kill this I should get a medal,” Rowland told a Monsanto regulatory affairs manager who recounted the conversation in an email to his colleagues, according to a court filing made public Tuesday. The company was seeking Rowland’s help stopping an investigation of glyphosate by a separate office, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, that is part of the U.S. Health and Human Service Department, according to the filing.
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May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining

Melania Trump Bans Monsanto Products From The White House
Submitted by FoodDemocracyNo... on June 1, 2017 - 4:25pm

Originally published: Your News Wire

While public debate rages about the safety of genetically modified food, Melania Trump says that as far as she is concerned, GM products are best avoided.

“Barron’s health has improved out of sight since we started eating organic, non genetically modified food,” the First Lady said.

After researching exactly where Monsanto’s genetically modified corn appeared in her family’s diet and becoming concerned about potential negative health effects, Melania Trump said she was “amazed at the place this company has in the food chain“.

The First Lady, who proudly describes herself as a “full-time mom“, then realized that Monsanto produces other genetically modified crops such as soy, sugar beets, and cotton – and these products form the foundation of many American’s diets.

In the interests of her son Barron’s health – as well as her own – Melania decided to eliminate processed foods containing GM crops from her family home.

But as Melania explained, this wasn’t as easy as it sounds. 70 to 80 percent of American processed foods contain genetically engineered ingredients, according to the Grocery Manufacturers of America.

While the FDA attempts to convince us that GM foods are safe, scientists working for the agency have repeatedly warned that the opposite is true.

These brave FDA scientists, speaking out against the official company line pushed by their corrupt superiors, have repeatedly warned that GM foods can create unpredictable, hard-to-detect side effects, including allergies, toxins, new diseases, and nutritional problems.

They have urged long-term safety studies, but have been ignored by the agency.

Health Risks

Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with genetically modified food, including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, faulty insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has asked physicians to advise all patients to avoid GM foods.

Yet since 1996, Americans have been eating GM ingredients in most processed foods. Why isn’t the FDA protecting us?

The sad fact is that we cannot rely on the FDA to protect us. We must do our own research and educate ourselves.

In the First Lady’s case, her self-education led to her total ban on Monsanto tainted products in her household, exclusively ordering organic products that were not grown with GM seeds.

Melania said that in order to live up to the commitment she had to do a lot of research.

“I have a friend who is a sustainable food advocate, and I got in touch with dozens of health food stories and manufacturers to ask where they sourced their products,” the First Lady said.

In order to completely avoid Monsanto products, the consumer must research the origins of their food.

“I spent a lot of time at farmers’ markets asking farmers what seed companies they buy from, googling on my phone before making purchases.

“It took a few months but I finally managed to get Monsanto out of my life completely.“

The influence that Monsanto has over U.S. food production is profound, and deeply disturbing. Once you start looking, you realize that Monsanto is everywhere. And, unfortunately, their influence is not benign.

But as Melania Trump says, once you educate yourself and then make the effort to avoid Monsanto, you will find peace of mind, and the health of your family will improve.k8d


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
When will they take it off the market

Interesting question, cause as you can see the EPA is saying it's perfectly safe, while simultaneously all these recent lawsuits are saying it's not safe....:dwillhuh:

Don Cheeto doesn't give 2 shirts about the environment, because his mindset as a businessman is All Unregulated Capitalism Everything so expecting his administration to do anything is like waiting for Detox album.


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
Thread is even more important.

2 weeks ago Don Cheeto approved an Executive Order to streamline (make it easier/less regulations) on new GMO products getting to the market. SHOCK as Trump signs executive order that will end most regulations and oversight on genetically engineered food

He is a businessman who is blind to health and environmental impacts of unregulated capitalism....:snoop:

The context is recently:
He is a businessman who happens to be blind (purposeful, naively or both) to health and environmental impacts of unregulated capitalism....:scust: It's seems some of those Big Agro entities got to his folks.

DJ Paul's Arm

Dec 15, 2015
I never buy canned, boxed or frozen foods. If I HAVE to, I always go by the 5 ingredient rule on the label. If it has more than 5 ingredients for some simple shyt like spaghetti for example, I expect "spaghetti noodles, tomatoes, olive oil, basil and salt" but that ain't happening. Usually them foods got a long ass list of chemicals I can't pronounce.