Genetically modified food

cleanface coney

May 26, 2012
nigas need to learn to grow they own food
open up some community gardens
they all over Detroit right now the urban gardens
its gone be illegal at some point to grow organically

the shyt scary because you dont know what you eatin
this and technology is the scariest things goinon in the world imo

anybody know what this does to the insects?
May 2, 2012
That's that ole okie doke.....................which is a jokie joke......:pacspit:

I'm sure there are cases where GM has out yielded organic crops, but there are plenty of cases where evidence is showing the opposite is true. Basically just search engine "crop yields, GM vs organic" or something like that...and you will find what i'm talking about.

The problem is all the other variables that come with GM..........yall understand when I say "Gangster Transgenic" takes the loot and leave the farmer nothing left, in other words in most cases no seads are produced as a normal plant would do, meaning you as a farmer have to pay for more seeds every, this is not simply combining a corn species from Mexico with a corn species from Peru.......or a coffee bean from Ethiopia with one from Indonesia.......that is basic cross breeding, the same thing you do with dog's or similar species.............they are talking about combining things that have no tendencies what so ever to be able to combine.....tomatoes with fish bean with insects genes, etc etec...and then to top it off put insectide/pesticide inside of the genes.....hence you/we are eating insecticide/pesticides...where exactly on the dietary chart does that become a nutrient. There are dozen of other things

Search engine "issues with GMO foods"....and see what comes up..way more than what I've said.....

And this is my response to not enough land, take Africa for instance, I've already written it......other countries are grabbing up land in Africa for their populations.....yet somehow we keep hearing that there is not enough land yet: "How Food and Water Are Driving a 21st-Century African Land Grab" - Global Forum

Although, as a person that understands that a lot of biodiveristy (see Brazil, Indonesia rainforests) is destroyed trying to grow crops....there are answers for that too. The key words to know from the below videos are organic, hydroponics, and aquaponics which can all be done indoors which means you don't have to deal with insecticides/pesticides and your not dealing outdoor conditions (seasons, climate, weather, pests):

"Designing the vertical farm" -

Designing the vertical farm - - YouTube

"The father of vertical farming" -

The father of vertical farming - - YouTube

"Will Allen Talks Us Through Growing Power" ** AQUAPONICS **

Will Allen Talks Us Through Growing Power ** AQUAPONICS ** - YouTube

"6,000 lbs of food on 1/10th acre" - Urban Farm - Urban Homestead - Growing Your Own Food

6,000 lbs of food on 1/10th acre - Urban Farm - Urban Homestead - Growing Your Own Food - YouTube

So if anybody tells you GMO is the ONLY WAY you can increase yields on scarce amounts of land look at em with the :mindblown::comeon::huhldup::snoop::beli: and direct them to these videos and similar ones.

props on this. I am familiar with the concept of hydroponics. People use this for growing weed in homes. This can definitely be used to grow food.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
Eventually we all will be eating GMOs coz the pupulation is increasing and the land is not

The entire population of the world can fit in texas with everyone having a middle class house. The land is just owned, by someone else.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
They got those giant 'seed banks' hidden in these huge vaults in remote parts of the world for a REASON. They'll cover the world with this poisonous GMO seed TRASH and get their population reduction and after that's completed, they'll 'reboot' with all the seeds in the vaults. By the way, terminator seeds are genetically modified seeds so that the resulting fruit or vegetable doesn't produce any seeds. Pretty devious and disgusting.

Some of the stuff Monsanto is getting away with is disgusting:
300k Organic Farmers To Sue Monsanto For Seed Patent Claims - Slashdot

How can you patent acts of God? Wow, these demons are incredible with the greed.

Monsanto was founded in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1901, by John Francis Queeny, a 30‑year veteran of the pharmaceutical industry. He funded the start-up with his own money and capital from a soft drink distributor and gave the company his wife's maiden name. His father-in-law was Emmanuel Mendes de Monsanto, a wealthy financier of a sugar company active in Vieques, Puerto Rico, and based in St. Thomas in the Danish West Indies. The company's first product was the artificial sweetener saccharin, which was sold to the Coca-Cola Company.
In 1919 Monsanto expanded to Europe by entering a partnership with Graesser's Chemical Works at Cefn Mawr near Ruabon, Wales to produce vanillin, aspirin and its raw ingredient salicylic acid, and later rubber processing chemicals. This site was later sold and closed in 2010. In the 1920s Monsanto expanded into basic industrial chemicals like sulfuric acid and PCBs, and Queeny's son Edgar Monsanto Queeny took over the company in 1928.
In 1946 it developed "All" laundry detergent and began to market it; they sold the product line to Lever Brothers in 1957.[17] Also in the 1940s, Monsanto operated the Dayton Project, and later Mound Laboratories in Miamisburg, Ohio, for the Manhattan Project, the development of the first nuclear weapons and, after 1947, the Atomic Energy Commission. In 1947 one of its factories was destroyed in the Texas City Disaster.[18] Monsanto acquired American Viscose from England's Courtauld family in 1949. In 1954 Monsanto partnered with German chemical giant Bayer to form Mobay and market polyurethanes in the United States.
Monsanto began manufacturing DDT in 1944, along with some 15 other companies.[19] This insecticide was much welcomed in the fight against malaria-transmitting mosquitoes. Due to DDT's toxicity, its use in the United States was banned in 1972. In 1977 Monsanto stopped producing PCBs; the United States Congress banned domestic PCB production two years later.[20][21] In the 1960s and 1970s, Monsanto was also one of the most important producers of Agent Orange for United States Armed Forces operations in Vietnam.
In the mid‑1960s, William Standish Knowles and his team invented a way to selectively synthesize enantiomers via asymmetric hydrogenation. This was an important advancement because it was the first method for the catalytic production of pure chiral compounds.[22] Using this method, Knowles' team designed the "first industrial process to chirally synthesize an important compound" — L‑dopa, which is currently the main drug used to treat Parkinson's disease.[23] In 2001 Knowles and Ryōji Noyori won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In the mid-60's chemists at Monsanto developed the Monsanto process for making acetic acid, which until 2000 was the method most widely used to make this important industrial chemical. In 1965 Monsanto chemists invented AstroTurf, which the company then commercialized.
In 1968 they became the first company to start mass production of (visible) light emitting diodes (LEDs), using gallium arsenide phosphide. This ushered in the era of solid-state lights. From 1968 to 1970, sales doubled every few months. Their products (discrete LEDs and seven-segment numeric displays) became the standards of industry. The primary markets then were electronic calculators, digital watches, and digital clocks.[24] Monsanto was a pioneer of optoelectronics in the 1970s.
In 1979 Monsanto established the Edgar Monsanto Queeny safety award in honor of its former CEO (1928‑1960), an annual $2,000 prize given to a member of the American Society of Safety Engineers to encourage accident prevention.[25]
Monsanto scientists became the first to genetically modify a plant cell in 1982. Five years later, Monsanto conducted the first field tests of genetically engineered crops.
In 1985 Monsanto acquired G. D. Searle & Company, a life sciences company focusing on pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and animal health. In 1993 Monsanto's Searle division filed a patent application for Celebrex,[26][27] which in 1998 became the first selective COX‑2 inhibitor to be approved by the United States FDA.[28] Celebrex became a blockbuster drug and was often mentioned as a key reason for Pfizer's acquisition of Monsanto's pharmaceutical business in 2002.[29]
In 1994 Monsanto introduced a recombinant version of bovine somatotropin, brand-named Posilac.[30] Monsanto later sold this business off to Eli Lilly and Company.
In 1996 Monsanto purchased Agracetus, the biotechnology company that had generated the first transgenic varieties of cotton, soybeans, peanuts, and other crops, and which Monsanto had already been licencing technology from since 1991.[31] Monsanto first entered the maize seed business when it purchased 40% of DEKALB in 1996; it purchased the remainder of the corporation in 1998
.[32] In 1998 Monsanto purchased Cargill's seed business, which gave it access to sales and distribution facilities in 51 countries.[33] In 2005, it finalized the purchase of Seminis Inc, a leading global vegetable and fruit seed company, for $1.4 billion.[34] This made it the world's largest conventional seed company at the time.
In 2007 Monsanto and BASF announced a long-term agreement to cooperate in the research, development, and marketing of new plant biotechnology products.[35][36]
In October 2008, the company's Canadian division, Monsanto Canada Inc., was named one of Canada's Top 100 Employers by Mediacorp Canada Inc., and was featured in Maclean's news magazine



Nov 8, 2012
At my house, we grow most of our veggies and herbs.
None of that hormonal super veggies. :scusthov:


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
spend a month or two in a foreign country and see how much weight you lose even if you stay eating good

nothing like natural vegetables and meat/poultry that was slaughtered and prepared the same day

I've experienced this too...

spend a month or two in a foreign country and see how much weight you lose even if you stay eating good

nothing like natural vegetables and meat/poultry that was slaughtered and prepared the same day

As far as insects .. Google

1) ..
my understanding is that pesticides/insectides in general supposedly cause their stomachs to explode. An apparently, digestive issues are being associated with GMO foods in humans too....REMEMBER YALL WITH GM FOOD THE INSECTICIDE/PESTICIDE CAN'T BE WASHED OFF, IT IS INSIDE OF THE CROP'S GENES.... B. Insects are becoming resistant C. More than likely from scientist promoting GM, they say it helps beneficial bugs...??

Genetically Modified Food: What are Genetically Modified Foods?
When insects bite into the plant, the poison they ingest splits open their stomach, killing them. Though GMO foods that contain this toxin are resistant to insects, with continued exposure insects may develop a resistance to it, requiring ever-stronger herbicides and dangerous chemicals to keep crops insect-free. Resistant insects will then proceed to destroy crops as they did before, but now no pesticide will be effective, and we're back to square one.

Digestive Problems And Gm Wheat | LIVESTRONG.COM
Digestive Problems
Digestive problems may inhibit your body's ability to properly absorb and utilize the nutrients from your food. There are many conditions that can affect proper digestion, including inflammatory bowel disease, acid reflux, colitis, Crohn's disease and celiac disease, a condition directly related to wheat consumption. If you have a digestive disorder, you likely have to watch what you eat so your symptoms do not flare up. Depending on your digestive disorder, you may need to avoid wheat entirely or strictly limit it in your diet.
According to the research, the majority of experts recommend that you opt for foods that are not genetically modified. The Western Organization of Resource Councils reports that there are few studies that focus on the safety of genetically modified foods, including wheat. Scientists studying the possible effects of genetically modified foods warn that they may cause new allergies and the resistance to antibiotics. In terms of digestion, they may make it harder for your body to absorb nutrients from food. Eric Herm notes in an article in "The Canadian" that studies have shown that genetically modified wheat may actually cause digestive problems because it is technically fake food rather than wheat in its natural state.
If you have a gluten intolerance or celiac disease, genetically modified wheat is not for you. Genetically modified wheat can contain more gluten than regular wheat, which makes it even more damaging for your condition. Ask your doctor about alternatives to wheat if you cannot digest it. There are many other grains, such as oats and quinoa, that you may be able to tolerate with a digestive disorder.

An insect pest that is supposed to be killed by a type of genetically modified cotton crop with an in-built toxin gene has developed resistance and is beginning to spread in parts of the United States, a scientific study has found.

It is believed to be the first documented example in the wild of an insect pest becoming resistant to this particular type of GM crop, which was thought to be immune from the problems that have plagued conventional pesticides. The bollworm moth is one of the most destructive pests of cotton crops. The resistant form of the moth's caterpillar was found in a dozen fields in the southern states of Mississippi and Arkansas between 2003 and 2006, when the surveys were conducted.

The GM cotton was developed by inserting a gene into the plant that is normally found in a bacterium called Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). The bacterial gene produces a protein toxin that is poisonous to certain insects, but normally harmless in other animals.

Environmentalists might one day run barefooted through insect-rich fields of genetically modified crops. At least, they might if the conclusions of a two-decade study in China hold up.

Kongming Wu of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Beijing and colleagues looked at the impact on surrounding farms of Bt cotton, a GM crop that protects itself against bollworm larvae by making its own pesticide.

As pesticide sprays were no longer needed, beneficial predator insects such as ladybirds, spiders and lacewings could thrive and spill over onto neighbouring farms, where they ate aphids. This reduced the amount of pesticides neighbouring farmers used.

"Transgenic Bt crops with less insecticide use can promote population increases of predators in the whole agricultural landscape," says Wu.

Protesters in the UK recently threatened to disrupt a trial at Rothamsted Research in Harpenden of a GM wheat that gives off a scent repelling aphids. Rothamsted's John Pickett said the Chinese research is exciting because it shows that certain GM crops can spread beneficial insects to neighbouring farms.

2) Not necessarily food, but they are attempting to release GM mosquitoes in the Caribbean and Florida as well.......... they claim .... to control dengue fever and malaria

Activist Post: Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Released in the Millions with No Risk Assessment
In case you didn’t know, genetically modified mosquitoes have been unleashed numerous times on planet Earth. Thus far, millions mosquitoes were released in various locations; Cayman Islands, Malaysia, and Brazil. Now, the GM mosquito creator Oxitec may release millions of genetically modified mosquitoes in the fields of crops, including olives, citrus fruits, cabbage, tomatoes, and cotton.

A UK-based company, Oxitec is the maker of all genetically modified insects. The company’s goal is to create a global market, where GM insects will be released around the world in order to take over natural insect populations. With the replacement of natural insects, the company hopes to wipe out disease carried by insects as well as those insects feeding on farmers’ crops. As scary as it might sound, thousands of insect species could be genetically altered in the near future. :stopitslime:

Interestingly, Oxitec is supported by and very close with multinational pesticide and seed company, Syngenta. Syngenta, in addition to providing the world with destructive pesticides, has also been charged with covering up the deaths of many animals consuming the company’s GM corn. Being mainly interested in the market for GM agricultural pests, Syngenta as well as Oxitec are planning to commercialize GM insects around the world.

What’s especially scary about the release and future modification of thousands of species is that all of this will be done with little risk assessment. Not to mention not knowing of the vast number of negative outcomes that could occur from genetically modifying parts the biosphere.

Dr Helen Wallace, Director of GeneWatch UK said “The public will be shocked to learn that GM insects can be released into the environment without any proper oversight. Conflicts-of-interest should be removed from all decision-making processes to ensure the public have a proper say about these plans.”


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
Activist Post: Alert: Monsanto Rider Slips Through Senate, Hour Glass Running...

Alert: Monsanto Rider Slips Through Senate, Hour Glass Running...

Friday, March 22, 2013

The rider (Sec. 735) that would prevent courts from halting illegally planted GM crops (sometimes courts find fault with USDA-approved GM fields) slipped into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill HR 933 blind-sided an angry populace last week, giving little time to voice complaint before it was to go through the Senate

On Wednesday morning, HR 933 passed with the new rider dubbed by activists as the Monsanto Protection Act therein. The rider has nothing to do with proposed government spending to keep it running for the next six months.

Alliance for Natural Health (ANH-USA) reported earlier:

Once the CR passes the Senate, it will move to the House and Senate conference committee to resolve any differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. Since this rider was not in the House version of the bill, there’s a slim possibility the rider will not be in the final duly passed version.

The general consensus on the Hill is that once the Senate acts, the House Appropriations Committee leadership is prepared to take the modified Senate CR directly to the House floor, possibly as early as Thursday. This is why urgent grassroots action is required to ensure that does not happen.
If this "must-pass" bill gets signed into law, it would be the point of no return for unhindered Monsanto havoc. They would trump federal court power and courts would not be able to use authority to stop sales or planting of any illegal or hazardous genetically modified crops. Strange for biotech giants to want this rider, as the USDA already gives them unheeded approval without safety testing of their crops. Rider (Sec. 735) clinches Monsanto power - if the USDA or court system wants to halt GM crops or revoke approval, they cannot. It's also an open backdoor to whisk in future approvals.

This action is detrimental to farmers who want to fight against Monsanto's patent infringement lawsuits, those for the preservation of organic crops against GM contamination, and our export economy as so many other countries have adopted GM bans. This Monsanto-driven rider is simply an industry ploy to continue to plant GM crops even when a court of law has found they were approved illegally - But it's being voted on urgently

Senator Jon Tester (an organic farmer), joined by Senators Boxer, Gillibrand and Leahy introduced an amendment (#74) to strike the dangerous rider from the CR. You can still voice your support for reviewing the Tester amendment - reportedly ignored and not added when this bill passed the Senate. Even if the Tester amendment voting is over with - make your opinion known to your Congress people, Obama, and let your Senators know your disappointment. It couldn't be easier with pre-formatted letters that go directly to your Senators.

Food Democracy Now! reports that there are 13 crops waiting for approval. The USDA is known for sweeping in approvals, letting Monsanto do their own safety evaluations, and taking their word. And,

The floodgates are literally open for Monsanto, DuPont and Dow Chemical’s new GMO crops that are resistant to more toxic chemicals like 2,4-D, Agent Orange and dicamba that will replace failing Roundup Ready GMO crops.
According to legal experts, this provision would create a precedent-setting limitation on judicial review and is a dangerous assault on fundamental federal and judicial safeguards needed to protect America’s farmers, citizens and the environment from the wanton approval of Monsanto's new GMO crops.
Food Democracy Now! was pivotal in the alerts and created a new form letter to sign in the following link here:

The Monsanto Protection Act could pass as early as next week and we need your help today. Click here to stop the Monsanto Protection Act as it heads to President Obama and tell your member of Congress to stand up for your rights and the Constitution

If you don't like the pre-formatted letters, then consider using them as a guide and write your own or better yet, call your Representative and respectfully contact the White House. Follow this link to enter your info and find your reps, senators, and contact the White House - guided info is there to help with your phone call. Or, you can call the Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121. To reach the White House to call President Barack Obama's line: (202) 456-1111.

This could be our last chance to stop Monsanto from corporate rule and full immunity! Tell President Obama here to block Sec 735, and Contact your Member of Congress to express your outrage at granting a blank check for Monsanto! Every voice counts!

Don't forget to thank the Senators who stood up and supported the Tester amendment if you live in Montana, California, New York, Vermont, Alaska or Connecticut - Senator Tester and his co-sponsors Senators Boxer, Gillibrand, Leahy, Begich and Blumenthal introduced the amendment to strip Section 735 from the bill.

Previous report from Food Democracy Now!:

Clearly Monsanto and the biotech industry are getting desperate and want to try an end run around a growing movement of farmers and citizens who are rejecting their products and calling for GMO labeling in an effort to make sure their new GMO crops can evade any serious scientific or regulatory review.
In classic form, the biotech industry has cleverly hidden their toxic plan under the deceptive title of a "Farmer Assurance Provision" (Sec. 735). In truth, the "Monsanto Protection Act" would allow the biotech industry to continue to flout American legal precedence and violate the constitutional separation of powers set forth by our Founding Fathers.
In short, the "Farmer Assurance Provision" is the greatest threat to farmers' and citizens' rights that Monsanto and the biotech industry has ever devised and it must be stopped - today!
This current rider is a response to the successful lawsuits that farmers have filed to prevent the sale, distribution and cultivation of GMO sugarbeets and GMO alfalfa, both of which were forced to stop from being planted while the USDA finalized full environment reviews.
Now, the new provision included in the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill will allow biotech seed and chemical companies to openly skirt even minimal protections of human health and environmental concerns.
We need your help to make sure your Senator demands that Appropriations Chairman Mikulski pulls this dangerous and unconstitutional rider, and support any amendment that would strike the biotech rider from the new Continuing Resolution.
Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund is also alerting of another rider and urging contact to Senators to oppose the Monsanto rider and support of the Tester Amendments:

ANTI-COMPETITIVE RIDER (Section 742) - Livestock & Poultry Impact

The anti-competitive rider (section 742) deals with a law from the 1920s, the Packers and Stockyards Act ("PSA"), which was intended to provide protections against anti-competitive behavior in the livestock and poultry industries. In essence, the PSA was the Sherman Antitrust Act for agriculture. Although the PSA is a good statute, the USDA never properly implemented it. And that failure over the years has allowed large corporations to practice a variety of abusive, unfair, and deceptive practices that undermine the free market.
A coalition of family farmer, independent rancher, and consumer groups fought for a provision in the 2008 Farm Bill directing the USDA to issue implementing regulations under the PSA. And we won. But the fight wasn't over. The big meatpackers managed to hamstring many of the proposed regulations. And now they want to completely eliminate the few protections we did get, leaving the meatpackers free to continue their abusive practices that hurt farmers