The left lost because lower voter turnout due to negroes and people like you. Mind you they won on every policy position, and the last 3 elections. Where was your smoke for republicans when they lost 3 straight?
Im letting you get your retarded low IQ arguments out. So far all we got is "shiiit bidens policies weakened everythang see"
No detail, no specifics, inarticulate, dumb.
Which ones? The economy? HBCU funding? Climate progression?
Cheerlead for him all day long. U can’t possibly know shyt bc u don’t have a job.Notice the low IQ negro cant specify how. Walking into a losing debate. Doesnt want to specify because he'll get cooked.
He lost because he’s a weak leader and people saw it. There’s no technicality or handicap he lost bc he’s sucks. He allowed millions of non citizens to enter and THEN PAID THEM lol.
Stop the rigamarole angry baby.