There was a pretty clear mandate for Afghanistan, Iraq, and Israel from what I remember and they were also a drop in the bucket financially
Defense spending has decreased significantly since the GWOT was at its peak and is like 10% of the overall budget now lol. I think defense spending should be based on necessity and not looking at raw numbers like Elon Musk and etc.
Try not to forget the military is an excellent job creator and tech innovator that we all benefit from and helps keep America safe and prosperous.
Younger workers if not for the common good should be aiming to keep these programs sound or more to the point improved for themselves. Lets be honest they're not getting pensions and 401ks aren't going to be enough to prevent them from starving to death in a cold apartment at best.
I'm not against all but eliminating billionaires but you need more than that offers and you should know that.