Elon Musk in Britain
17% approve (6% strongly)
48% disapprove (31% strongly)
Almost identical scores for
Labour 19%-55%
Conservatives 19%-54%
Reform's 14% are different: Musk fans by 39% to 29%
Musk may get his numbers to deteriorate further with his troll attacks on Britain
On Musk's libertarian objections to policing incitement to violence or hateful conduct
The 6% for do nothing has only 1/6 of the Reform 14%
Great stuff for the Tesla brand! Shareholders should be thrilled
Hopefully this starts to filter through more strongly to
@Tesla sales or rather lack of them over the next few years
I can guarantee most people over 50 in the UK don’t know who Elon Musk is
And ironically Reform voters must be the least likely people to buy an EV
Greens really hate him. Strange considering he gave them the electric car. But then they are the strongest authoritarians. A third don’t care or don’t know. A lot of media bubble projection going on here.
UK advertisers take note!
Rebranded version of the Tyre Extinguishers incoming, aiming at Teslas? FashExtinguishers? (for those that don't know, Tyre Extinguisher is a non violent campaign that sneaks around at night letting down the tyres of SUVs.....) This tweet not promoting violence.
No surprise that the Reform/RiotUK racist fringe approve of Muks…
In Australia the far-right Murdoch news media support Musk's attacks on the UK.
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