Its funny cause my great grandmother grandmother some my aunties can pass for white.
this is what I figured
yup, I noticed this. The same people Im talking were listed as "black" by the 1920s
in the 1800 census, thir race isn't listed but later on I saw them listed as mulatto->negro
Cool. Also, Im stuck at 1817 and I can't seem to get back any further in this branch
Finally made it into the 1790's ( a 5th great grandfather)
Congrats! It's a beautiful feeling finding them and seeing their names.
Lemme know if they respond because I want to do the same (reach out) but I'm hesitantyup
Also there is a dna connection linking me back further to his supposed parents (their names and birth dates are listed) but I haven't seen the paper trail to confirm it yet. I contacted the person (distant relative) and I'm waiting for them to respond in how do they know the people they have listed are his parents
Lemme know if they respond because I want to do the same (reach out)
but I'm hesitant
Not sure if there's one buried in the past here, but if not lets have one.
How far have yall gone back?
Totally agree.Ancestry should be free for all black people.
Black is the cloud, without one sunbeam;
Long is the day, that has no moon.
But blacker that heart that could refuse
To marry Miss Clark to Aleck Mc Cune.
1. Judith Clarke, the servant of Joshua Slade of York Parish, York County, Virginia, confessed in court on 24 August 1694 that she committed the "sinn of fornication with a Negro" [DOW 10:3, 28].
I have been trying to research this cryptic poem left on the 1850 marriage license of my 4th great grandparents Alexander and Sarah Clark McCune.
Someone obviously didn't want them married.
Sarah Clark was from a FPOC family. I've got the paper trail that links her family back to a white woman named Judith Clark and an unknown black male.
I was able to trace Alexander back to Staunton, Virginia, where him and his mother Esther were owned by a Samuel McCune who emacipated them at the time of his death.
We match a ton of white relatives that descend from Samuel McCune, so it's safe to say that he was the one to father Alexander.
Question for you guys.
For a lot of black folks, this is the end of the road.
But do you all continue to trace back the white side of the family?
It would virtually be impossible to try to find Esther's lineage.