Do you think they can cancel it?
Young people have been urging everyone to stop using the ‘thumbs up’ emoji as because it’s too “passive aggressive”.
A Reddit user took to the platform to ask fellow millennials and Gen Zs were also getting wound up by the ‘thumbs up’ emoji.
They wrote: “I started an ‘adult’ job where we use Microsoft Teams to connect with each other for work.
“Currently, there only a few emojis you can use to react to a message (unless of course, you respond, and can use any emoji). Most people at work use the ‘thumbs up’ reaction all the time.
“I don’t use it much. I either ‘heart’ reactions or reply even if it’s a short ‘Great!’ or ‘Thanks!’ (I also feel like I use too many exclamation marks, but that’s a different story).
“Anyway, I think it’s normal for to ‘thumbs up’ messages, but I still feel like it’s such an unsettling response. Does anyone else feel this way?”
And they were meant with a deluge of replies – some in agreement, others not so much.
One person commented: “If you feel comfortable using a heart emoji, I am so confused by why you hesitate using the thumbs up. I used the thumbs up (in my mind ‘I agree” or ‘ok’) way before I used the heart (‘love it’ or ‘feeling the feels’). But that’s just me.”
“Anyway, I think it’s normal for to ‘thumbs up’ messages, but I still feel like it’s such an unsettling response. Does anyone else feel this way?”
And they were meant with a deluge of replies – some in agreement, others not so much.
One person commented: “If you feel comfortable using a heart emoji, I am so confused by why you hesitate using the thumbs up. I used the thumbs up (in my mind ‘I agree” or ‘ok’) way before I used the heart (‘love it’ or ‘feeling the feels’). But that’s just me.”