Gay preacher promotes gay theology at his "church", God responds (Video)


May 24, 2022
But did God respond when all those Catholic Priests were raping young boys?
Not once he let them nasty ass priest do that shyt he don't send one plague to them kid fukkers

but last days though 2nd coming though....always moving the goal post for "God" of Abraham.
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Nov 21, 2013
Not once he let them nasty ass priest do that shyt he don't send one plaque to them kid fukkers

but last days though 2nd coming though....always moving the goal post for "God" of Abraham.

If you so sure about it make an oath that you don’t want any salvation from the God of Abraham no matter what? Put your foolishness where your mouth is…


May 24, 2022
Your timeline doesn't mean a thing.

When death hits, it gets real. Everything done will have an answer. God is being merciful to most people, and even delaying their doom.
Kids die every day b.


May 24, 2022
If you so sure about it make an oath that you don’t want any salvation from the God of Abraham no matter what? Put your foolishness where your mouth is…
Bet, God of Abraham Issac and Jacob.

you can keep your salvation.

save me from what tree he made
a bytch he formed out of dumb ass Adam

and "angel" that he feels he as to prove a point to.

Made my "Spirit" without even seeing if I want to even exist in the first place..assuming your God is real.

I'm not Job fck all that shyt and since your "God" so real and divine he knows more then I know myself right

so I guess he wants what he can't have cause he knows my choice.

and keep it a buck he know he fukked up too that why he became a man and died.... paul had to make sense of the folk lore he knew it was cave manish when Romans and Greeks(origin of pedo culture btw) started putting out philosophy (so here comes the Jesus figure.)

400+ years assuming your a breh our people treated like shyt but hey half the cacs did it in his name and they still getting by like nothing happend.

God does all that wolfing to other nations in the torah Persia that Eygpt this blah blah.

but a goes silent in our age and times just as bad as it was back then
But I know your God not real but I AM hence my boldness :sas2:

So my rejection means shyt at the end of day just talking to the wind.

study the bible so much has a kid found all the loop holes no way a divine being inspired it.
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Nov 21, 2013
Bet, God of Abraham Issac and Jacob.

you can keep your salvation.
That’s a bet. When calamity comes your way, nothing will save you. This society won’t be here for too much longer and when it goes away, the real monsters come out to play. Your guns won’t save you. Your homies won’t save you. Your money won’t save you. You might even want to die but not be able to. All that can save you at that time is knowing the One that can truly save you. That’s the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who you just made an oath to reject. All because of your pride
save me from what tree he made
a bytch he formed out of dumb ass Adam

and "angel" that he feels he as to prove a point to.

Made my "Spirit" without even seeing if I want to even exist in the first place..assuming your God is real.

I'm not Job fck all that shyt and since your "God" so real and divine he knows more then I know myself right

so I guess he wants what he can't have cause he knows my choice.

and keep it a buck he know he fukked up too that why he became a man and died.... paul had to make sense of the folk lore he knew it was cave manish when Romans and Greeks(origin of pedo culture btw) started putting out philosophy (so here comes the Jesus figure.)

400+ years assuming your a breh our people treated like shyt but hey half the cacs did it in his name and they still getting by like nothing happend.

God does all that wolfing to other nations in the torah Persia that Eygpt this blah blah.

but a goes silent in our age and times just as bad as it was back then
But I know your God not real but I AM hence my boldness :sas2:

So my rejection means shyt at the end of day just talking to the wind.

study the bible so much has a kid found all the loop holes no way a divine being inspired it.

Jesus is cac shyt bruh. The law of Moses is where it’s at:yeshrug:

You’re not an Israelite so it’s pointless but for the ones that are, their ancestors made an agreement that if they disobeyed God everything that happened the last
400 years, would happen.. isn’t it their fault for agreeing to that?

And the nations around the world are falling as we speak. The economy is debt based trash. Your leaders conspire against your best interest at the behest of people who are too chicken to show they run things. People are divided and too stupid to see they’ve purposely been pitted against each other. The food is trash/fake. The environment is being poisoned yet anyone who seems to come out with water powered engines meets an “untimely” death. At the end of all this comes their (and yours, heck maybe ours if I’m being real) destruction. All that talk about Egypt and Persia you’ll see with your own eyes because this society isn’t lasting more than 20 years as currently constructed. They had their time to run around and it’s coming to an end. And when Clinton said:

“It (an alien invasion) may be the only way to unite us in this incredibly divided world of ours,” Clinton said. “If they’re out there, we better think of how all the differences among people on Earth would seem small if we felt threatened by a space invader. That’s the whole theory of ‘Independence Day’. Everybody gets together and makes nice.”

He’s speaking about the return of our (well not yours) salvation, which again, comes with their destruction. UFOs are what the slaves were singing songs about mentioning chariots taking them home. But you can go down with cacs and the rest of the nations who only have belief in what you see(which is a falling world). You’ll fall right along with it and have no one to blame but yourself


Believer in Jesus
May 19, 2012
But did God respond when all those Catholic Priests were raping young boys?

Matthew 18:5-6 KJV
And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. [6] But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Ezekiel 25:17 KJV
And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.

Nahum 1:2 KJV
God is jealous, and the Lord revengeth; the Lord revengeth, and is furious; the Lord will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies.

Hebrews 10:30 KJV
For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.