Nearly every school district can suspend you for causing a disturbance at school.... or doing something that affects the climate at school.. They mainly expell people if it's huge enough.
There was this push and support to get this kid back in is the only reason that he is going back - Get real.
With no push he would be
I remember I was suspended for 4 days for simply having a certain color on.... because school officials aren't stupid.. they know things.
It's all in the interest of the students... legal privacy goes out the window when it directly affects the public life of the student, the school environment, and the way the school is viewed. Clearly this kid caused and uproar.
If this were a private school there would be zero discussion.
At the very least he can be banned from prom, sports, music - For sure... as those are not a right, but a privilege. I guarantee he will be banned from those..
You wore those colors at school. That's different. I disagree with that, too, but in that case, it has actual legal substance behind it. The school can't suspend you for wearing those colors outside of school or at home.
Celebrities cause massive uproars at the schools they attend, but they can't be suspended because their fame causes disruptions.