Gay Marriage now legal throughout the US


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Let me give this thread one more shot, I hope you're not blissfully dumb as the cats I was arguing with earlier. Holding an able dependent being captive that, in your own words, "cant express consent" is blatantly wrong. You cannot hold someone captive without their consent and justify it by saying, "well by kidnapping this person what I've done is protected them. Now that I've locked them in my basement/cage/house, they are less likely to be hit by cars and stuff, so really I'm keeping them safe" its a psychotic and ridiculous argument to use.
If someone were to kill you in a "humane" way for luxury clothing, would they be justified? Of course not.
Bestiality isn't necessarily "sexually abusing and forcing animal to live with that abuse" bestiality is simple an instance of sexual activity between a human and another species of animal. If an animal initiates sex, is at complete physical maturity, is in no way coerced, and the human in question consents, why should it be illegal?
For the rest of yall that may happen to read this, I am no supporter of bestiality, I'm simply arguing for it in this thread to expose fake ass "liberals" that arnt really liberals at all. Like their conservative brethren they blindly agree to what predominant society deems acceptable at a period of time but are simply less honest about it. These same folk would have called slavery justified whilst society deemed it acceptable because "society makes the rules *shrugs*" (one stupid nikka in here actually said that). Its pathetic.

Maybe you don't understand this, but the difference between a human and an animal in your house is that one can clearly say "Hey, I don't want to be here" Got it? So it's not the same.

Your second example of killing me is null and void because I am a human being with free will and human rights. There's no universal "animal rights". I am citizen of the United States for which I pay taxes and follow all the laws for. I have a constitutional right to life. The animals we eat don't have that and never will. Get over it. When they get their animal jobs and pay their animal taxes and buy their animal purchases with their animal sales tax then maybe they will be seen as actively contributing factors of society, but they aren't.

It's illegal because the animal does not explicitly know "I'm fukking a human" and if they are, there's no way for you or anyone else to ever prove that. They are just releasing a biological instinct, therefore it it is an encroachment on you as a human, to take advantage of their naivety in what they are doing. It's that damn simple. If a 13 year boy gets a hard on, it will never be right for a 50 year woman to hop on it. If you can't understand that, you are probably a predator yourself.

I actually don't consider myself liberal at all so fukk your ad hominem/cloak argument here. It is possible for someone to agree with homosexual marriage and not affiliate with any party/side.

Now here's the difference for you beastiality apologists. If someone pays taxes in this country, they are damn fully eligible for all the rights of said citizenship that makes them pay such. Don't want to give gay people their rights as adults of this country, then stop making them pay taxes and other obligatory things that are mandatory of citizens.


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
Maybe you don't understand this, but the difference between a human and an animal in your house is that one can clearly say "Hey, I don't want to be here" Got it? So it's not the same.

Clearly. So we should be able to detain them against their will because they cant use language to communicate with us coherently, understood. So if I encounter a person that is actually unable to speak coherently or is mute, I can imprison them and justify it because they cant "clearly say" "hey, I don't want to be here". Come on man, think about what you're saying.

Your second example of killing me is null and void because I am a human being with free will and human rights. There's no universal "animal rights". I am citizen of the United States for which I pay taxes and follow all the laws for. I have a constitutional right to life. The animals we eat don't have that and never will. Get over it. When they get their animal jobs and pay their animal taxes and buy their animal purchases with their animal sales tax then maybe they will be seen as actively contributing factors of society.

Paying taxes, citizenship and working arnt what justify your basic rights. The fact that you're a sentient organism with emotions and a degree of cognitive intelligence are what justify your basic rights. Think about it, you do know that non-citizenry is recognized in countries like Latvia, right? Well, based on your reasoning, Latvians should be able to enslave and hunt non-citizens that are currently not paying taxes or working, see the problem there? Besides, there's a massive amount of animal rights proponents out there, so I wouldn't count on animals not receiving more rights in the distant future.

It's illegal because the animal does not explicitly know "I'm fukking a human" and if they are, there's no way for you or anyone else to ever prove that. They are just releasing a biological instinct, therefore it it is an encroachment on you as a human, to take advantage of their naivety in what they are doing. It's that damn simple. If a 13 year boy gets a hard on, it will never be right for a 50 year woman to hop on it. If you can't understand that, you are probably a predator yourself.

That's because that 13 year old boy hasn't reached physical maturity yet, hence why that would be reprehensible regardless of whether the boy consents or not, besides, I already said in my last response that the animal would have to have "reached its physical maturity" so your argument in that case is irrelevant.

However, lets use a variation your argument here; if instead the male was in his 20's and the fifty year old woman was to "hop on it" without saying anything and doing so was in accordance with the mans wishes, that would be seen as fine, no one would accuse the old ass lady of rape or the young man of abuse. If you agree with the latter, which you do, why would you not agree with an animal initiating sex in the same way? Be honest.

Also nothing I've stated suggests that I might be a predator, stop making stupid baseless assumptions.

I actually don't consider myself liberal at all so fukk your ad hominem/cloak argument here. It is possible for someone to agree with homosexual marriage and not affiliate with any party/side.

That wasnt a shot at you breh, I was speaking about this thread in general.

Now here's the difference for you bestiality apologists. If someone pays taxes in this country, they are damn fully eligible for all the rights of said citizenship that makes them pay such. Don't want to give gay people their rights as adults of this country, then stop making them pay taxes and other obligatory things that are mandatory of citizens.

If I'm a bestiality apologist then you're homo apologist. Anyway, as explained above, this way of reasoning is asinine. Basic rights should be reserved for all sentient life and in fact it is, to a certain extent, hence why animal rights exist in the first place.

By the way Im busy right now, so if you do respond, I may not respond back until much later or tomorrow. Just a heads up.


All Star
Feb 19, 2013
NYC (but PGH will forever be home)
Well good for them.

I want see how the states are going to handle voting rights now that VRA is gone. Because obviously there is no racism in America. But yeah congrats gay people. Your struggle from oppression is officially over......:pachaha:


Who cares if these dudes get married? Now they will have a piece of paper legally binding them and some fringe benefits. Good job.

But lets not act like this was some huge power struggle that was preventing them to become successful and/or attain more power in the states. There are some serious implications that could be had with the VRA gone, but you barely hear anyone even discussing it.

Hey good for them :manny: Everyone should be given freedoms with no prejudice; Nevertheless, if a white gay man and me are interviewing for the same job, and that gay guy turns down the 'fairyness' just a tad, he has a much much higher odd of locking it down than myself. So don't expect a lot of brotha's to see this as a :win: for our side...