Gas attack in Syria kills dozens: US forces launch strike on Shayrat Airbase in Homs (4+ dead)


Jul 13, 2012
Reading through the comments online - most people support intervention, 'cause ''babies in incubators!" "chemical WMDs!" "dictator!" etc etc
People just think we can/are going to depose the entire Syrian state without putting boots on the ground. :snoop: This doesn't even touch on becoming the Air Force for Al Qaeda, the fact that Syrians themselves don't want intervention & that no one has any plan for what happens after Assad is gone. This is at worst Libya 2.0 at best Iraq 2.0 :snoop: Meanwhile I saw a poll that only 1/5 British support intervention, the BBC is propagating the same shyt as CNN, people can see through it. Americans really are as dumb as we're reputed to be :snoop:
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The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
You can't pretend to be a moral arbiter of "evil" , when you regurgitate state propaganda of a murderous regime with the highest kill toll in this conflict.

Also your leftist tactic of throwing on "neo-con" on anyone who doesn't believe in third-rate Cold-War narratives is very lazy, I expected better from you. Nothing I said suggests a neo-conservative point of view.

- I haven't regurgitated state propaganda. I have merely just told the truth. The truth that you and Napoleon have fled from during this discussion. That truth being, American foreign policy in the Middle East is aiding (both intentionally and unintentionally) extremist forces in Syria. Labelling something state propaganda just because you disagree with it is petty. After all, you've been spewing state propaganda from Donald Trump this entire time.
- You are adopting neo conservative positions on intervention in Syria. Stop denying it. Accept what you are.
In fact, you painting Russia in this light is the laziest of all rehashed Cold War narratives


Hale End
Jan 17, 2013
The Arsenal
Reading through the comments online - most people support intervention, 'cause ''babies in incubators!" "chemical WMDs!" "dictator!" etc etc
People just think we can/are going to depose the entire Syrian state without putting boots on the ground. :snoop: This doesn't even touch on becoming the Air Force for Al Qaeda, the fact that Syrians themselves don't want intervention & that no one has any plan for what happens after Assad is gone. This is at worst Libya 2.0 at best Iraq 2.0 :snoop: Meanwhile I saw a poll that only 1/5 British support intervention, the BBC is propagating the same shyt as CNN, people can see through it. Americans really are as dumb as we're reputed to be :snoop:
you mean the opposite right? because you can't believe libya 1.0 was worse than iraq 1.0.


Apr 30, 2012
- I haven't regurgitated state propaganda. I have merely just told the truth. The truth that you and Napoleon have fled from during this discussion. That truth being, American foreign policy in the Middle East is aiding (both intentionally and unintentionally) extremist forces in Syria. Labelling something state propaganda just because you disagree with it is petty. After all, you've been spewing state propaganda from Donald Trump this entire time.
- You are adopting neo conservative positions on intervention in Syria. Stop denying it. Accept what you are.
In fact, you painting Russia in this light is the laziest of all rehashed Cold War narratives

You seem to be confused between ascription and solution.

Its say a lot about the weakness of your position that you're forced to deny Russia's role in defending and spinning for the regime. This is merely analysis of the war, I didnt advocate for a military strike against Russia as a result. You cant even distinguish between the two because your whole analysis depends on tying together loose yarn.

Your Cold War position is a knee-jerk one that holds everythings wrong in the conflict can solely be attributed to U.S. involvement, either covert or overt, and that the other side is the moral one as a result.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
You seem to be confused between ascription and solution.

Its say a lot about the weakness of your position that you're forced to deny Russia's role in defending and spinning for the regime. This is merely analysis of the war, I didnt advocate for a military strike against Russia as a result. You cant even distinguish between the two because your whole analysis depends on tying together loose yarn.

Not really. I obviously acknowledge the Russia, Iran and Hezbollah are supporting Assad's regime.


I love you, you know.
Sep 3, 2015
The Multiverse
Why do you keep giving Assad so much credit?

  • Why do you keep giving the US so much credit? As if we have an untarnished military Remember Saddam's nonexistent WMDs?

Assad felt safe. Up to two days ago trump and tillerson kept saying they were taking a hands of approach. That came to bite Trump in the ass.

  • Safe enough to use chemical weapons and think that there would be no reaction? That's...idiotic. Do you really think that he's that stupid/bold?

Dictators do irrational shyt all the time.

  • Dictator? Might as well go full Trump and say that he's a very, very bad man.

This is a war. People don't act rationally. You're applying your skewed and naïve view of war and international actors.

  • Lol, as if you're some fukking 5-Star General with 40 years of military experience.

Saddam did the same thing. And he was winning.
  • Bush II didn't go in because of that. He went in due to Saddam having WMDs...except for that, well...he didn't have WMDs.
  • Act like we haven't seen wars drummed up over false claims of chemical weapons before, brehs

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
Didn't I tell y'all that most of those missiles were jammed by Russia?

Uncle Hotep

Jun 19, 2015
Trumpset not happy

Some of President Trump’s most ardent campaign supporters were among his most vocal opponents on Thursday after he ordered the missile strike against Syria, charging him with breaking his promise to keep the United States out of another conflict in the Middle East.

Prominent writers and bloggers on the far right attacked Mr. Trump. They accused him of turning against his voters by waging an attack that he had for years said would be a terrible idea. They also criticized him for launching the strike without first seeking congressional approval — something he said on Twitter in 2013 would be a “big mistake.”

The most vocal in their outrage were leaders from the small but influential white nationalist movement.

Paul Joseph Watson, an editor at the conspiracy theorist site Infowars, said on Twitter that Trump “was just another deep state/neocon puppet.” He added, “I’m officially OFF the Trump train.”

Richard Spencer, a far-right activist and white nationalist who coined the term “alt-right,” said he condemned the attack and hinted at supporting another presidential candidate in 2020: Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, a Democrat. Ms. Gabbard met with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria in January and on Thursday criticized the missile strike as shortsighted and reckless.

For some on the far right, particularly those who are pro-Russia, Mr. Trump’s strike crossed a line.

But others praised the president for his quick military decision, which came three days after the Syrian government’s deadly chemical weapons attack on its own people, including children.

The radio host Hugh Hewitt said the missile launch was “justice for these children.” Mark Levin, another conservative host, agreed. “We’re proud of you,” he said of the president.

Laura Ingraham, a conservative commentator, noted that the strike brought together three frequent critics of the president — the Republican senators Marco Rubio of Florida and John McCain of Arizona, as well as his Democratic opponent last fall, Hillary Clinton.

Missiles flying. Rubio's happy. McCain ecstatic. Hillary's on board. A complete policy change in 48 hrs.

— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) April 7, 2017
The schism among the president’s far-right supporters had been building since Mr. Trump said his attitude toward Syria had “changed very much” after the chemical weapons attack. His comments signaled a discernible shift in White House policy, and from his stance during the presidential campaign.

Some of those supporters claimed, without evidence, that the chemical weapons attack was a hoax carried out by the “deep state” — what they believe to be a nebulous network of military officials working behind the scenes — to drag the United States into war. Scott Adams, the cartoonist who created Dilbert, wrote on his website on Thursday before the missile strike that the chemical weapons attack was a “manufactured event.”

A few hours before the missile strike, the far-right blogger Mike Cernovich warned his followers in a live video that the United States was going to attack Syria. “Remind Trump who supported him,” he told his viewers. “We got to stop him.