so the other day(Saturday) I go to trade in a couple game so I can get MLB the Show 13. I was just gonna pay whatever the difference was. So I went in the Gamestop a few miles from my house, the guy told me I could get $33 for both games, but if I put it towards a pre-owned game I got 50% more trade in value. I was like "cool". And I had a $10 gift for a used MLB 13, I came out owing only .33 cents. Great right?
But they didn't have a pre-owned MLB 13. So I asked him to check the other store about 10 miles up the highway.....dude was like "Well Why not just get it from our warehouse?" I was like
whatever. That's fine it'll only take a few days I figured.
Meanwhile for the next 10-15 mins while processing my order dude annoyingly kept trying to get me to sign up for a "Power Up" card or some sh*t like that. I was like "thanks for the offer, but I'll pass.....I rarely buy games anymore" He kept on and on and on about how I'd somehow basically get the card for free or next to nothing.
Anyway, so I get an email Monday night saying my order has finally shipped and that it's scheduled to be here 4/12 (this Friday)....I looked at the tracking today, and it's been switched over to Post Office delivery and now the delivery date has been pushed back to 4/15
.....mind you their warehouse/corporate office is in Grapevine, which is only 30 minutes from my house.....and it's gonna take THAT long.
The store I wanted him to check initially has the game there used. I shoulda just went there to begin with. I woulda had my game that day when I wanted it. SMH
Also he told me there was no online pass for the game, but when I got back home I saw that there was.
So now I'm gonna have to buy that too. I still saved money, but I'd rather have had the game that day and paid a little more for a new version