MGS V. I hyped the hell out of that game saying it was gonna be GOAT and it’ll be the last full price game I’d ever even need to buy. Got a gaming Pc and everything. That sht was unfinished, uninspired, and unfukkingacceptable!!!!
I don’t even remember the ending ...ending(s) .... whatever that was suppose to signal the story was complete. Had me replaying missions, listening to tape recordings n sht cuz I must’ve fukkin missed something! But no! Man I even put in extra hours to make sure!
So mad cuz I thought the story was gonna fill in all the story gaps of the franchise and be half completely original story and half MG1 & MG2 from Big Boss’ perspective. But no! Straight Garbo roundabout story that lazily tossed itself about from one cliche to the next. I had a progression from start to end like






Been meaning to give it another run to see if feelings changed and I’ll again go through the cycle. Ground Zeros was lit tho.