If you don't mind torrents a quick piratebay search brought up all five books in pdf format.
Good looks but I found it ePub so I can throw it my iPad. I hate reading PDFs on it
If you don't mind torrents a quick piratebay search brought up all five books in pdf format.
Powerful posting![]()
I think you're right with your theory as well. I can see Sam killing a white walker and then getting saved from the wights by Coldhands (I'm pretty sure it's confirmed he's gonna appear this season).
Almost exactly how I see it going down. They gotta have some kinda exposition on how the Dragonglass effects the White Walkers, and a brief 2 second mention in an episode isn't gonna be nearly enough. Sam the Slayer is coming, just not at the point we expected him to. How y'all feel about them making Gilly a little bit more assertive, and not the meek, scary chick they had in the book? She was basically telling Sam make some shyt happen or gtfoh.
Top 5 ep tonight....everything was 100% piff. Season 2 had me worried for a while but they're back to top shelf quality this year. Then again when the source material is what it is how can u go wrong
. Only thing I didn't really like was Varys giving away Littlefinger's plans for Sansa like that. Its tough to translate characters who scheme that hard from books to TV but they making them a lil too obvious.
So far that is one change that I really can't get jiggy with. Why are they putting it out there so early. We didn't learn about he and QOT being behind it til way after the PW. Why are they dropping all these major hints, I don't know. But they better not fukk up that moment when you really realize just how many strings this little prick Baelish is pulling. nikka making boss moves without people knowing he even in the game.
really great episode...liked how this one was translated from the books
but I'm like y'all...i'm rolling at everyone in the other thread thinking Dany is coming...oh how mad they're going to be knowing that's literally the last big moment she has...she aint really done shyt in the books since then
and we're just starting to get that fantastic Kingslayer character development...this was the point in the books where he started becoming some of my favorite chapters to read...his character arc is one of most unique I've ever read...really excited to see it play out and the actor is doing a great job so far.
this little prick Baelish is pulling. nikka making boss moves without people knowing he even in the game.
I liked the Mutiny at Craster's Keep tonight. I wish they would have built it up a bit more though. Sam should have killed a white walker by now and they completely avoided the talk with Mormont about the dragonglass.
looks like the next ep is when Sansa and Tyrion get married.
Sad they are going to cut the wedding night scene that shyt could have been great but she is a teen.
Also looks like Stannis will be heading to the North in the next ep. At least as far as we know.