idk about tyrion being a targaryen that one has me very unconvinced. i could be wrong but i would welcome it as a nice surprise. i think aegon is the false dragon and a little looked at person might be the real one. edric dayne. the young nikka running around with the brotherhood without banners. he is described as having the targ look. then he says him and jon had the same milk mother but i think she was neither of their mothers, she was somebody ned hired to feed them since both of their mother's died. i might be way off cause arya said he looked not much older than her but i think its a possibility.
as far as stannis, i think he dies somewhere along the way. maybe fighting the others. he might end up becoming a hero but dying in that battle. and now melisandre is seeing that she was wrong about him being azhor azai so all she might not be backing him up with her magic. i like stannis tho i would love for him to become dany's hand but he is deadset on taking that throne so either an other kills him, or dragon's fire.
Yes the Tyrion thing is iffy but I like that fate for him , him and show bronn should get a spin off traveling around righting wrongs

Stannis is probably going to be on some if I can't be king kill me steeze and do the