NAH nikka

Why you hate the girl so much breh it’s weird
She’s acting pretty much like Dany would act if she was born 200 years earlier, had been raised in King’s Landing, was taught since birth how to rule and never lost her connection to her Valyrian heritage. I appreciated watching her in the early episodes not just because her actress was charismatic but also because it showed this was what it was supposed to be like for Targ royalty. She stands up for herself (see her scene standing up for Alicent), she calls people on their bullshyt (see her scenes with Daemon), and she sons muthafukkas without hesitation (Jason Lannister, Criston Cole)

The only dumb thing Rhaenyra did so far was having Harwin’s kids instead of finding a way for Laenor to impregnate her. But either way, her children are no less Targ than Alicent’s. They’re both half and half, one being half Hightower and the other half Strong. While I like Alicent, objectively speaking, she IS trying to steal Rhaenyra’s birthright. She and Otto had no reason for marrying an old ass king besides trying to put their family on the throne breh. Viserys prefers Rhaenyra over Alicent because he feels guilty for killing her mother and with that in mind, I can’t root for Rhaenyra’s demise when she didn’t really do anything wrong except be born a woman and marry a gay muthafukka. Those b*stards are really the only mistake she made and since Laenor is white in the books, it’s less obvious. Lastly, I’ve read the books breh so I’m the wrong person to ask this question…y’all will accuse me of spoiling.