I can see it from black women’s perspective though. White chicks get the pick of the litter. Rich white men goes without saying. Chinese, Indian, Arab and Latino men that are successful have a strong likelihood of trying to date white broads too if they can get one. Then white chicks got they claws in rich black men too (rappers, athletes, entertainers, actors). That shyt is probably incredibly irritating to nonwhite women. You’ll very rarely see a white man become a millionaire and then develop a taste for black women or Indian women. He wants his blonde bombshell. He doesn’t make up all these excuses about white women not supporting him when he was broke to excuse him dating other races. He don’t talk about Amanda and Lizzie from 9th grade that crumbled up his do you like me note and rejected him so now he swears off all white women

He wants and marries his dime Becky. End of story. But the other races get money, chase beckies and come up with a million reasons to justify it. Even though I’ve fukked white chicks and was a pawger, I gotta keep it 100. I’m more sympathetic to it now because it does look crazy. And dudes gotta really ask themselves if they really trying to be looking at a white woman in their bed 40-50 years from now.