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anyone got the production credits?
"Ain't No Time"anyone got the production credits?
When will it be up on Google play
Buy it on iTunes then export it I guess
Team LittyXanny Family got dayum :banderas1:
2 tapes so far this calendar year
How many left to go BREHS
Honestly BOTH of these last two projects were "weaker" to me than DS2 alone (I felt that album RODE all the way thru, a classic imo) but that's not to say I didn't purchase, grab and enjoy bangers from BOTH of these last two projects. I'm a REAL fan. And what that means is I Fucc with artists expressiveness and creativity and them pushing their limits and boundaries. This is what music and art is about. And I'm enjoying the fuccin ride.
So continue to bring it on King Super Future
The streets ain't going nowhere