True...currency and even 2chains is dropping material continuously as well as qc...but future does it and it's too much ...why? Cuz people like it?People missing out on good HIP HOP because of "hiphop-snobbery"...I get it u may not like the content...but what were the alcoholics talkin about or any other artists that focused on substances...still homie makes undeniably good hood tunes.
The "fans" that complain about that were never really fans anyway.... They're were just there to ride the wave.... forcing themselves to like something because its popular... that hipster mentality. Kinda like Balenciaga Arenas.... all of a sudden they're "played" because they're so-called saturated. They're the same exact shoe they were when it was the "it" shoe.... Now that narrative is slowly making its way to the Saint Lauret sl10's.... they're just riding the wave