Really? Link? not calling you a liar but I don't remember reading that. I just thought they scrapped it.
I'll give you a time line.
Drake ran into Mook at some battle. Can't remember which. Approached him and said "I want to battle you".
They went back and forth planning it, talking about it, etc.
Drake skipped the Grammys to attend Blackout 5, where he continued to bait Mook.
Drake Skips Out On The Grammys Because He Was Too Busy At A Rap Battle? [PHOTO] | HOT 97 | Where Hip Hop Lives
They were both on stage talking about battle culture, etc. and could've battled right then and there. Drake got shook and told him "you aren't on my level, you gotta beat Tsu Surf first".
Drake Tells Murda Mook He'll Battle Him If Mook Beats Tsu Surf
Which is ridiculous to say because Drake has zero wins as a professional battler. Drake's management stepped in and said it's a bad idea.
A month or so later the ghost writing shyt happened, which deaded the whole thing permanently.
So anyway, dude never intended to battle Mook. He could've that night, live on stage. He just wanted the prestige of attending a "real hip-hop" event....which is all fine and well but you can't bait Mook for "real hip-hop" points and then duck Budden, IMO.