Full-scale invasion as the United States deploys troops in 35 African countries


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus

wheres the title change?

this is complete hyperbole

while i don't agree with the statement clearly there is an argument behind his reasoning and it's based on "evidence" (of sorts...e.g. he's got an argument), it's not outright trolling. In fact it's educational in that more people ought to pay attention to how the US's actions are perceived.

If you'd like to discuss or offer a counter argument as to WHY this dude is full of shyt then by all means do so.

Don't conflate not agreeing with someone's sentiment as that person being a troll.
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Jun 4, 2012
i dont think you are saying anything coherent,
aka something that a brainwashed MFer can agree with, lol.

i agree with ending foreign aid but i wouldnt agree with the statement "I will love to see the day when the Western governments and private organization teach them how to fish.", western companies have zero responsibility toward transferring technical knowledge, thats on africans
Yes, end foreign aid dependency.- Not meaning that aid is bad, but because the aid goes to corrupt leadership and the aid usually stunts innovation - it is bad.

No, America is not initially responsible for the transfer of technology or knowledge. However, a responsibility is developed when you are trading, gaining resources, exploiting, new locations for a military presence, and benefiting overall from resources and labor that is not your own. Anything other than an obligated responsibility is exploitation.

i think african nations and african people should double down on capitalism and tone down the altruism and nobility and this obsession with resources, africa will never get rich from its resources or from charity
I think you are romanticizing capitalism - and also not realizing that not every system of government ( or economic structure) works the same with every culture and political history. The Irony -"Africa will never get rich with it's resources"- thats funny because others have gained wealth with African resources and labor.

i already posted the thread of an example of what i think should happen http://www.the-coli.com/higher-lear...con-valley-tough-love-kenya.html#.URb5EfJTDXQ and i think stuff like this will happen more by having stronger ties to the US, where its mutually beneficial for both sides for monetary reasons not for altruism or charity
Stronger ties to the US is good for a nation like Israel. Of course it's good for any African nation to an ally to any Western Power or Eastern Power... but the focus should always stay on African prosperity.

Also, I'm guessing you've never left North America.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
while i don't agree with the statement clearly there is an argument behind his reasoning and it's based on "evidence" (of sorts...e.g. he's got an argument), it's not outright trolling. In fact it's educational in that more people ought to pay attention to how the US's actions are perceived.

If you'd like to discuss or offer a counter argument as to WHY this dude is full of shyt then by all means do so.

Don't conflate not agreeing with someone's sentiment as that person being a troll.

I must have missed the full scale invasion.


I'll make a note to myself cheers.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Yes, end foreign aid dependency.- Not meaning that aid is bad, but because the aid goes to corrupt leadership and the aid usually stunts innovation - it is bad.

No, America is not initially responsible for the transfer of technology or knowledge. However, a responsibility is developed when you are trading, gaining resources, exploiting, new locations for a military presence, and benefiting overall from resources and labor that is not your own. Anything other than an obligated responsibility is exploitation.

any responsibilities of either party has to be ironed out in the agreement between 2 sovereign nations

which is what this "invasion" is about, its an agreement between sovereign nations, there is zero evidence of anything nefarious going on

I think you are romanticizing capitalism - and also not realizing that not every system of government ( or economic structure) works the same with every culture and political history.

i think you are just making generic statement that dont mean anything

he Irony -"Africa will never get rich with it's resources"- thats funny because others have gained wealth with African resources and labor.

im sure individuals can get wealthy, but as a whole natural resources cannot bring an african country out of poverty, what will bring africa out of poverty is when africa starts using its resources to manufacture things

the japanese can go to africa buy a pound of iron for $1 and turn it into a dvd player and sell it for $100, that is the basic transaction that happens with natural resources, it doesnt matter how much resources africa sells the japanese ie the person that has the technical knowledge to transform raw materials to finished products will end up rich and the provider of natural resources will end up with some change

that is why the notion that africa can get rich from its natural resources is dangerous, because selling natural resources is actually the bottom of the pyramid in terms of money

im not sure why you would bring labor into it since i never said africa cant get rich from its labor, africa can definitely get rich from its labor but it has to be an educated labor force, thats kinda the whole point im getting at, africa should form tighter bonds with the us that way its easier to transfer capital and technical knowledge from the us to africa

what i am suggesting is what happened in places like japan, korea and taiwan where tighter military bonds led to a transfer of capital and technical knowledge

before you say something, i am not suggesting anything altruistic or any type of charity im simply saying that tighter bonds with the US facilitates transfer of capital and technical knowledge, that is why i think the story is a good thing

Stronger ties to the US is good for a nation like Israel. Of course it's good for any African nation to an ally to any Western Power or Eastern Power... but the focus should always stay on African prosperity.

im not really sure what it is you are arguing, its like you are trying to take both sides of the argument and are arguing with yourself

my whole point was about african prosperity, that is why african countries should form strong ties to the US, there is nothing in what i am saying that would stop african countries from forming tighter bonds amongst themselves or with the african diaspora

african countries forming tighter bonds with the us would facilitate african americans traveling and investing in africa, im not sure what is so hard to understand about that

Also, I'm guessing you've never left North America.

if i ever do, i would obviously first go to countries that are friendly with the US and so would any american black or white