a couple things...
1) given what you said about sodium fluoride and its effects on the human body, doesn't it seem the potential cons outweigh the potential pros?
we apply fluoride protection to our teeth everyday by brushing them, we dont need the "extra" fluoride in the water, so to me it doesn't seem like it's worth the health risk. ESPECIALLY when the majority of the fluoride in question is being SWALLOWED (which you stated was most harmful to humans) as opposed to being applied externally to the teeth.
imo extra protection against cavities is not a valuable enough benefit to offset the negative health risks. sodium fluoride is used to kill insects so i think there are better options if we want to add things to our water supply, and the bottom line is there are too many unknowns to even chance it.
2) also when thinking about dosage you've come into contact with, think about the fact we've had multiple daily exposures, everyday of our lives to fluoridated water, both internally and externally. when we drink from the faucet, when we cook our food, when we wash our hands, when we take a shower... we are absorbing the sodium fluoride multiple times daily in multiple ways...and who is tracking that? who is monitoring people's fluoride intake over time?
also it's about more than just suffering from fluoride intake, its about extreme fluoride intake in conjunction with all the other toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis. toxins from the air, toxins in the food, toxins caused physiologically by our negative thoughts and emotions... all of these combine to take a toll on the body. why add the toxicity of fluoridated water to the scenario? especially when the health benefits are so minimal and the potential health risks so great? it defies common sense.
3) if your best response is:
you have pretty low expectations for our government.
4) if fluoridated water is not recommended for infants and pregnant women because its dangerous, that alone is enough of a reason for me to resist water fluoridation.
it's not safe for my pregnant wife and child...but it helps protect against cavities![]()
this simple fact alone should merit fluoride not being in our water supply, and i think the fact some people dont see this truth as self evident is totally insane.
yea, it's called toothpaste.
Just to be clear, I don't know enough about the chemistry behind the idea of water fluorination and how ot helps protect teeth to really give a personal opinion on it. So I'm not advocating or condemning anything.
First fluoride ions are the concern here, so they don't necessarily have to come from sodium fluoride. It could be any compound that releases free fluorine ions into the water. Fluorine by itself to my knowledge isn't too'll find fluorine in many medicinal and household compounds. So my post was really just giving background based on my knowledge of fluorine from when I work with it.
I have faith in the EPA controlling levels. They are a top notch agency overseeing a huge area and servicing almost 400 million Americans and consult other countries. The government is actually damn good at it. The EPA is one agency that taxes are well spent on. It is impossible to remove toxins from every water source so you monitor levels and if ever it becomes unsafe for intake you take measures to make sure it doesn't get used. Just my personal opinion. You don't have to trust them as much as I do. As far as fluorinated water, your body as long as its working properly can deal with micro concentrations of toxins in water supplies. Concern comes when large concentrations are taken in at once, as your body will be overwhelmed and the toxins can't be metabolized fast enough. Women that are pregnant and small children don't have the mechanisms we do working at peak efficiency so its best to keep them away from many things that might compromise them more. I hope I brought some more insight to it. Not trying to sway you, its well within your right to be concerned.