A punch caused the cut though, that straight right was landing along with the left counter AB is slower to me/cant bully guys consistently at the higher weights thats one reason the combination punching isnt there.
I dont think he is slower. He definitely cant bully guys though. I think he still thinks he can fight like Floyd. He still uses those same mechanics in there with the lead rights and lunging lead lefts. the difference is, Broner can only do one thing at one time, thats either be on the attack or on defense. his counterpunching isnt there, jab non existent. he just struggles with top 10 opposition that move their hands. really Vargas may have deserved to win. had he gotten the nod I certainly wouldnt have complained.
combination punching isnt hard to do if you train for it in repetition. when he let his hands go he didnt have a problem with combos. and damn near everything Vargas was putting on him was combos. Broner isnt a super intellectual fighter in the ring and he has no savvy or gym tricks. Vargas is trash to me, Broner couldve been hitting him and turning him all night. aint nothing special about Vargas, he is just a average fighter with a good motor. it would take a while to break Broner's bad habits and thats even doubtful that he can.