God Emperor of SOHH
Sci-Fi is just white people's way of trying to live or at least understand the plight of minorities in this world. Science Fiction they call it. Aliens who are different from us are really just people who we perceive are different from us. Even in comic books, X-men is a clever play on the civil rights era arguments between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. Magneto and Professor X. It all comes from a standpoint of something different being introduced and how the majority handles it. They call it sci-fi, but for us, it is reality.
Let me give you a good "sci-fi" premise
You wake up in a world that watches your every step. Everyone is expecting you to act a certain way, the police who are supposed to protect and serve look for ways to kill you. People who look like you are hunted and oppressed to near extinction. Your culture is b*stardized daily and used as joke. Your people's television station is full of false stereotypes about your people. All of your people's heroes have been martyred in the struggle to gain equality.--Welcome to Amerikkka. May the Strongest Survive.....
lol there are lot of problems with this post, you are basically co-signing gundam and defining sci fi as white and secondly a lot of sci fi alludes to current issues or history but its definitely not limited to race, maybe those are the ones that stand out to you, but sci fi is very broad