Freeing (Black) Science Fiction From The Chains Of Race

May 30, 2012
I'm sure psyco-alpha-disco-beta-bio-aqua-dodo is about science fiction.

The Nose's adversion to water isn't a referrence to sci fi. it was a gimmick to be different. I suspect is was all about Sex honestly. I never really cared to look it up.

Iron Maiden's song is a complete summary of the Dune novel.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Princepality of Zeon said:
Iron Maiden's song is a complete summary of the Dune novel.

IM had one song, Parliament/Funkadelic's catalog was one, continuous science-fiction story.....

On Mothership Connection, Starchild first appeared (inspired equally by Sun Ra's "Black Noah" and Jesus); he is a divine alien being who came to earth from a spaceship (his arrival is "the Mothership Connection") to bring the holy Funk (with a capital "F": the cause of creation and source of energy and all life) to humanity. As it turns out (according to The Clones of Dr. Funkenstein, 1976), Starchild secretly worked for Dr. Funkenstein, the intergalactic master of outer space Funk, who is capable of fixing all of man’s ills, because the "bigger the headache, the bigger the pill" and he’s the "big pill" ("Dr. Funkenstein", from The Clones of Dr. Funkenstein). Dr. Funkenstein’s predecessors had encoded the secrets of Funk in the Pyramids because humanity wasn’t ready for its existence until the modern era. The titular "clones" are the Children of Productions whose job is to ensure that everyone is on the One.

Starchild’s nemesis is Sir Nose D’Voidoffunk ("Sir Nose Devoid of Funk" from Funkentelechy Vs. the Placebo Syndrome, 1977). Inspired by the single "The Pinocchio Theory" by Bootsy's Rubber Band, Sir Nose attempts to end the Funk because he is too cool to dance. He is the master of the Placebo Syndrome, which causes unFunkiness (a combination of stupidity and no dancing). His goal is to place the minds of all humanity into a state called the Zone of Zero Funkativity. Starchild, on the other hand, uses his Bop Gun ("Bop Gun (Endangered Species)", from Funkentelechy Vs the Placebo Syndrome) to achieve "Funkentelechy" for all humanity. With the Funky powers of the Bop Gun (which are augmented by the Flash Light....Shine the light on them suckas!!!), Starchild causes Sir Nose to reach Funkentelechy, and find his Funky soul. He then dances away the night.

Sir Nose’s return (along with ally Rumpofsteelskin) is detailed on the Motor Booty Affair (1978). Here, Sir Nose is too cool to dance or swim, but Mr. Wiggles and the good citizens of Atlantis (a place where one can dance underwater without getting wet) cause Sir Nose to dance the Aqua Boogie. At the end of Motor Booty Affair, and after Sir Nose's defeat, the citizens of Atlantis raise their home out of the sea on the song "Deep" ("We need to raise Atlantis from the bottom of the sea, dancing 'til we bring it to the top ...").

On Gloryhallastoopid (1979), Clinton flips the script on "Theme From The Black Hole" (later sampled by Digital Underground for "Same Song") and allows Sir Nose to win one battle by turning Starchild into a mule. While gloating over his victory, Sir Nose alludes to multiple songs from Funkentelechy and Clones, mockingly referencing the scat singing from "Sir Nose" ("humdrum, twiddly-dee-dum Starchild!"), and pointing out the fact that Starchild is temporarily without weapons or allies ("Where's your flashlight? Where's your bop gun? Where's the Doctor [Funkenstein], Starchild?"). Sir Nose’s machinations are undone three tracks later by the "Big Bang Theory", which reveals that the Funk caused the creation of the universe, though the only legible clue is the ethereal backing vocal line, "So we the clones were designed."

Sir Nose’s last appearance is on Trombipulation (1979), where he traces his ancestry back to the Cro-Nasal Sapiens, who were especially Funky, leading Sir Nose to reclaim his Funky heritage, along with his son, Sir Nose Jr.

Funkadelic albums are rather more ethereal and abstract when compared to Parliament’s. Rather than tell the story of a cast of characters, the mythology of Funkadelic is a socially conscious spiritualism.

The Funk is described on the very first song ("Mommy, What's a Funkadelic?") of the very first Funkadelic album (Funkadelic, 1970), in the lines "By the way, my name is Funk/I am not of your world/Hold still, baby, I won't do you no harm. (...) I am funkadelic dedicated to the feeling of good."

On the second album, Free Your Mind... And Your Ass Will Follow (1971), Funk is said to lead to the Kingdom of heaven, which is described as being "within" (the titular song). "Funky Dollar Bill" (off the same album) describes multiple unFunky priorities, all revolving around materialism and consumerism, which have taken over all that is good and true in society (including, on "Eulogy and Light", religion).

One central concept is Maggot Brain (Maggot Brain, 1971), which is an unenlightened small-mindedness, and which must be overcome for humanity to avoid its destruction and decay. It is explicitly ascribed to the titular junkie in "Super Stupid," who has "lost the fight" with fear. Other songs on the album advocate universal love, peace, and brotherhood, and war is explicitly compared to insanity in "Back In Our Minds." The album ends on an apocalyptic note with "Wars of Armageddon," in which the sound of a crying baby can be taken as a direct reference to the speech at the beginning of the title track: "Mother Earth is pregnant for the third time, for y'all have knocked her up." With its noisy improvisation and activist chanting, the track appears to depict a final confrontation between good and evil.

One Nation Under a Groove (Funkadelic, 1978) introduces Funkadelica, a nation wherein the Funk rules and can’t be either stopped or labeled. The people of Funkadelica are called Funkateers (as are P Funk fans) and are led by Uncle Jam. Their mission is to rescue dance music from the doldrums (unFunkiness).

The album The Electric Spanking of War Babies (1981) refers to the Vietnam War, as characterized by George Clinton.

May 30, 2012
That is not rap.

P-funk are a legendary and very talented band. I grew up on their music. It was always played in my house. I respect them. I don't really care about their "mythology". I care about their lasting impact on American music. And, really, their lasting impact on me.

Is it really sci fi though?


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Princepality of Zeon said:
That is not rap.


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The Real

May 8, 2012
and btw, I remember listening to Iron Maiden's
Piece of Mind album, and I just let the album play while i was driving. this was
Way back in 2003. I heard a track, and it was entirely about Dune! I was shocked. It was a whole song about Dune the novel.

How many rap songs are about Science Fiction stories? I am not talking about that backpacker non sense. I am talking about the rap that black people listen to. The
Music that I hear blasting out of those big box chevys. Iron Maiden is not some obscure metal band.

Why would you compare a subgenre of rock music to the entire genre of rap? And why are you pretending that there's tons of metal with sci-fi themes? Iron Maiden's gimmick as a band is that all their songs are about history or fictional literature. They don't represent metal's thematic focuses as a whole, regardless of their popularity.

Dirty Mcdrawz

Your girl loves em....
May 3, 2012
i doubt many blacks even know who jordi laforge is. Lol at blacks being interested in sci-fi.

what next? Table top RPGs? Warhammer 40k ? Star craft? PC gaming? Minecraft? Black people don't like that type of stuff.

go to atlanta and ask someone what does the "Sands of arrakis" mean. Id be happy if
Even one person knew that.

:why: i'm not supposed to like sci-fi?? :damn: you father for letting me read comic books and watching star trek episodes. you even had the nerve to buy me a got damn pc :damn: you mother for buying me star craft at my request!! you knew got damn well black kids weren't supposed to like sci-fi you lied to me!!!!


Payin Debts.... N40
May 29, 2012
Japan, but from the 989
Sci-Fi is just white people's way of trying to live or at least understand the plight of minorities in this world. Science Fiction they call it. Aliens who are different from us are really just people who we perceive are different from us. Even in comic books, X-men is a clever play on the civil rights era arguments between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. Magneto and Professor X. It all comes from a standpoint of something different being introduced and how the majority handles it. They call it sci-fi, but for us, it is reality.

Let me give you a good "sci-fi" premise

You wake up in a world that watches your every step. Everyone is expecting you to act a certain way, the police who are supposed to protect and serve look for ways to kill you. People who look like you are hunted and oppressed to near extinction. Your culture is b*stardized daily and used as joke. Your people's television station is full of false stereotypes about your people. All of your people's heroes have been martyred in the struggle to gain equality.--Welcome to Amerikkka. May the Strongest Survive.....