i'm sure the guys who do acts of terror don't "represent all muslims" but a problem, is a problem.Those guys in the video dont represent Muslims of Europe. In recent years European Muslims (many of them SECULAR AND NON PRACTICING) have started to radicalize at a rate higher than Muslims in the US.
Why is that? The answers are in your own comment.
They are less
Heres the deal. Europe's problems are economic. They have serious fundamental issues in the Eurozone and White Supremacists are trying to use Muslims as scaoegoats and further causing radicalization.
Whenever things are bad economically in the West, thats when White Supremacist idealogies gain following. It just so happens its Muslims right now in Europe.
In America its no coincidence that most people who are Islamaphobes also dont like African Americans.
Team up with White Supremacists brehs.
I'm not trying to hear it.
Accountability matters.
And muslims should not be adding to those problems. I don't want to hear woe-is-me stories.
I'm not an islamophobe. Theres no such thing.