france colonized west Africa. West Africa is majority muslim. Go to wiki and look. Senegal, gambia, chad, mali, niger all 80% plus muslim. Nigeria half muslim.
I totally agree, and this is nothing I don't know.
I'm just posting stats from the other side.
If the overwhelming majority of muslims come from Northern Africa, it just goes to show that only a small portion of muslims come from other countries. which means that the ppl coming from those other countries are either believers of a different religion or none at all.
its like this, the stats I posted earlier were (using round numbers)
4 million muslims
3 million come from northern africa
another half million come from Turkey/middle east/asia
add on all the covnerts, illegals, and other and you have almost another half million
assuming some of those are black, and the total black population in france is about 3-4 million.
how many of those 3-4 million are actually muslim then??
MAYBE a few hundred thousand??
so maybe 10%??
MAYBE 15%?
now those numbers are from '99 which is a long time ago. BUt assuming everything just carried out to be the same over time with the same percentages, I don't see that changing.