Foxy Brown Might Play Key Role in Keefe D Case


All Star
May 18, 2012
NorthW62d Hat Boys
Yes but that was part of the first deal he took.

Basically his situation is this

He was in the car when Tupac was killed - we don't know who the shooter is.

Keefe gets caught up on drug charges in the 00s, and gives info on the Tupac case to make a deal. The audio you're referring to is from this - he gives all the events of the night but critically, claims someone else was the shooter. That person now being dead.

However all these years later, the feds think he lied to them about what happened that night (mainly, who the shooter is).

So whats he been doing since? Acting like he's been clout chasing this WHOLE time. That everything he said to make his deal in the first place was a fabrication and he has nothing to do with Tupac at all.

That's also why he's suddenly started making some insane and conspiracy theory sounding claims these last few months.

His testimony is the biggest evidence against him and he's trying to make himself an unreliable witness :deadrose:

He told the story a very particular way to get out of jail and also not incriminate himself further and, but he's told the story so many times it's gotten inconsistent and they realize he's probably the shooter.
I thought He had immunity for whatever he told to the feds but since he has been talking about it in interviews on podcasts and in his book Las Vegas is using his own words against him. The feds cant charge him for what he admitted to but Las Vegas can charge him with what he admitted to in the book and interviews because he doesnt have immunity with them only the feds