Does not sound like she threatened her job? Sounds like she told her that Dixon is an ass that can fire peopleEhh, Joy more dirty than "she just told her to get over it"
The dude who groped Nousin at the party, Dixon, was also the dude in power that Joy was sleeping with. So it can be seen as Joy trying to help Dixon cover up/contain the incident to protect him.
Then Joy basically threatened Nousin's job when she told Nousin that Dixon got her(joy) on undisputed and Joy was the one that got her(Nousin) the extra work/promotion along with her and that Dixon can take all that away.
Joy is also accused of being racist/picking with Nousin with remarks about her accent.
Then it seems Skip may have told Nousin that Dixon and Joy both were trying to get her fired, Skip even said Dixon threatened to fire him if he didnt get rid of her.
So Joy is like an accomplice to all of this.
And what do you mean with "seems Skip may have told", did she allege that he did or not? Anyways, that alleged "get over it" sounds like the only "foul" play here along with mocking her accent. The example I read now is that Joy in June 2023 claimed that she couldn't understand what she was saying. Don't know how much money you can get for someone once saying that they can't understand you