Former WWE Writer Court Bauer Talks Heat With Stephanie, WWE's Future Under HHH, etc


Apr 30, 2012
Jacksonville, FL
Cm punk can't play that role anyways. Dude is no where as scary as stone cold.

They need a brand new dude. Dude fights in the ring and triple shuts them down for a Announcement. Dude says I'm not leaving and bust triple h up.

Triple H then spends the week tryin to get him back then the dude 1 ups him one more time. Then BOOM they can drag it out for 2 years

coulda been Ryback but they giving him the Goldberg role :scusthov:


May 2, 2012
HHH can't block out The Rock :laugh:

Especially since him and Steph are cool from what I remember.


yeah but then again it seems folks are afraid to say ANYTHING to or about Steph. I mean it's prob. true she did try to show her behind during his contract issues back in 04 and he's being nice for the sake of it (without drama cuz it seems that she can't handle criticism, well at least like her dad would)

I thought about it and it seems any wrestler that was rumored to have an issue or whatever with Steph they'd later go off in a shoot interview with "OH NOES we def never had any problems I swear" (like Linda Miles/Shaniqua) and drive huge emphasis on it (it's almost like if they want to ever return that's the one princess to NOT piss off)


Apr 30, 2012
Jacksonville, FL
I remember, after WrestleMania 20, there's an after party. This year it was at the Hilton in mid-town. Every one's in there and it was a very unique environment. Brock Lesnar didn't come -- at least when I was there, he didn't show up to the after party. The office wasn't happy with him, he was obviously not happy with WWE at that point in his life and career. Goldberg comes out and there's this huge buffet and it's such a weird thing, it was like he was a pariah of some sort. No one was really talking to him, no one was saying, 'Good luck, let's stay in touch. Here's my number.' It was just that he showed up, he didn't really have anyone to hang with, he ate some food and kind of just bailed.

It wasn't like he was trying to be cold, it's just that no one wanted to engage him. I don't know if there were any problems or drama there.

WrestlingINC: I wonder if people thought there might be heat on them if they're hanging out with Goldberg.

Bauer: Maybe, I mean, you're always going to have that with the young bucks in the company. But, when you're a veteran of any stature, there shouldn't be any of that blow-back or you shouldn't be sweating it. When you're a young guy, you're either the guy that's really out-going and aloof to it or you're really paranoid about those kinds of circumstances.

I also remember when Eddie [Guerrero] came out. He came out with the title with Vickie and his family and he comes out into the main room at the Hilton. He just looked so proud and you could really tell that this guy -- this was that moment that he was really going to celebrate and enjoy that moment. All the hard work and all the incredible hurdles overcome and to climb back up the ladder to get to that level... especially somebody his size. There was really never anyone before him that small and an American wrestler being a champion. Pedro [Morales] was in the '70's, but it was very long and it was considered by a lot of people to be that successful. Here he was, being told by the old man -- who wasn't very old then in Vince McMahon -- that you're headlining WrestleMania 20 in New York City and you're going to be left with the belt.

It was a great night for him and I think he was just so proud. He was with his family and it was very touching. Then, you saw Chris Benoit and Nancy in toe with his family and they were mingling. You look at it very differently now, in a less romantic way. In a tragic way because of what happened to Eddie just a year later and tragically what happened to Benoit's family. Little did we know the monster that was lurking.

Read more: Former WWE Writer Talks Time On This Site, Joining WWE, How Lesnar's Return Was Handled & More -


Apr 30, 2012
Jacksonville, FL
WrestlingINC: As a fan, watching how his return has been handled, what do you think so far?

Bauer: I'm disappointed. I think they did everything right up to a point that night that they brought him back for Extreme Rules. Then, they made a few very big errors. They left a lot of money on the table. I think there's a time and a place to beat Brock Lesnar, but that's not one of them. I don't think that's any brilliant analysis on that, that's really textbook, 101 booking with how you present talent. Especially a guy that's dangerous and positioned as a monster and an outsider.

Let's look at WCW: if you have brought in Scott Hall and Kevin Nash and at that Bash At the Beach pay-per-view and beat them? [Laughs.] What would have happened to the NWO? No one would have ever cared. The thing I've realized since looking at this since I was a kid, and I grew up in New York. I was a WWF fan as a boy, knowing the rich history of the company. You look at Vince McMahon and he's an incredible, prolific, promoter, branding guru and hands down, the best promoter that there's ever been. But, he always chokes with the sure thing. Whether it's Ric Flair coming in as the real world's champion, Legion of Doom vs. Demolition or doing Brock Lesnar and his re-introduction. Or [Eric] Bischoff coming in. The ECW re-boot, the WCW invasion. He always chokes on the obvious, big thing. I don't know if it's that he decides everyone expects him to take a right turn, so he feels he has to take a left turn or if it's just the pressure of trying to handle something so unique because he didn't build it. Whatever it is, if you look at the one commentary on his career where he failed, obviously outside of doing the non-wrestling ventures, it really is the sure thing. The sure thing. If you look at the ratio of success to failures on those creative concepts -- whether it's Bill Goldberg coming in or the various versions of that -- there's obviously a fundamental flaw in what he does as a booker.

It's not conventional booking and sometimes, giving people something predictable is not the worst thing in the world. If you do it all the time, then, obviously, it is. But, I think that sometimes getting to clever for your own good is getting too clever for your own good. It doesn't work.

If you look at UFC and their success, so much of their success is building anticipation and building to something that is pretty relative to a sure thing. Either GSP wins or Nick Diaz wins. Either Chuck Liddell wins or Randy Couture wins. But, you're setting the stage, you're setting the table and then they feast on it. But Vince kind of leaves off the utensils. It's very strange but it seems to be some kind of pattern that he's followed for most of his career.

Read more: Former WWE Writer Talks Time On This Site, Joining WWE, How Lesnar's Return Was Handled & More -


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
I can't predict WWE because you have a guy that's almost 70-years-old running the coming that sometimes forgets what's up

The Stephanie stuff was funny and she seems bipolar as fukk but this part was hilarious too especially after the CM Punk comments. Got to read the rest now...I'm hooked.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Well what do you know..he talks about what I always said would be the BIGGEST fukking problem with Cripple H or the daughter taking over..they don't have that relationship or mind to deal with the marketing, the sponsors, the television channel deals, any of that shyt. That's VERY important to know. I always suspected that Shane McMahon was probably there for alot of the ins and outs of that but Stephanie was just a little writer type in the mid 2000s after being a cartoon character on the show with Cripple H. Levasque? He's a sarcastic talking really think that fool is gonna be able to negotiate with USA and everyone else when it's time for the re-ups? Yeah fukking right:laugh: He has no business degree or pedrigree and even if he did, you have to be a 5 star deal maker to be able to accomplish the kind of things Vince McMahon has been able to keep in place this long.


Apr 30, 2012
Jacksonville, FL
Well what do you know..he talks about what I always said would be the BIGGEST fukking problem with Cripple H or the daughter taking over..they don't have that relationship or mind to deal with the marketing, the sponsors, the television channel deals, any of that shyt. That's VERY important to know. I always suspected that Shane McMahon was probably there for alot of the ins and outs of that but Stephanie was just a little writer type in the mid 2000s after being a cartoon character on the show with Cripple H. Levasque? He's a sarcastic talking really think that fool is gonna be able to negotiate with USA and everyone else when it's time for the re-ups? Yeah fukking right:laugh: He has no business degree or pedrigree and even if he did, you have to be a 5 star deal maker to be able to accomplish the kind of things Vince McMahon has been able to keep in place this long.

And before this was mentioned, I never took that into consideration as far as cutting deals behind the scenes, making press appearances, and keeping in the good graces with companies. That's something I always felt Shane would be great at but as we see, he'll probably never return in any capacity even after Vince steps away or/and dies.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Vince is definitely outdated but when he goes down, it's a dangerous world for American pro wrestling with that leech of a daughter in place to make real decisions that she doesn't have the genius to make on a day to day basis.


May 7, 2012
You look at Vince McMahon and he's an incredible, prolific, promoter, branding guru and hands down, the best promoter that there's ever been. But, he always chokes with the sure thing.

Whether it's Ric Flair coming in as the real world's champion, Legion of Doom vs. Demolition or doing Brock Lesnar and his re-introduction. Or [Eric] Bischoff coming in. The ECW re-boot, the WCW invasion. He always chokes on the obvious, big thing. I don't know if it's that he decides everyone expects him to take a right turn, so he feels he has to take a left turn or if it's just the pressure of trying to handle something so unique because he didn't build it.

Whatever it is, if you look at the one commentary on his career where he failed, obviously outside of doing the non-wrestling ventures, it really is the sure thing. The sure thing. If you look at the ratio of success to failures on those creative concepts -- whether it's Bill Goldberg coming in or the various versions of that -- there's obviously a fundamental flaw in what he does as a booker.
May 2, 2012
I feel between the new FCW callups, Paul/Steph taking over the reins from Vince, Punk/Cena's era eventually bowing out of the spotlight, and the elusive WWE Network WWE is in for a major overhaul in the next decade. Vince's beliefs of race, women, and fan interest may have been offensive, but one can't deny his hand in WWE's growth in the last thirty years. Those are some big shoes to fill and time will tell whether Paul will be able to do so.