Punk me the clearest unarguable point
Rock beats me and leave I'm still here
Brock beats me and leave I'm still here
How can I be the hottest heel if I lose and the guy just leaves the next day

It's true but The Rock was never going to lose to Punk...especially before jobbing to Cena. The Rock cameback to ultimately put over John Cena....Cena is the top guy of this new generation.
Punk does have a gripe in that WWE doesn't build up any of the newer guys to make them look legit.
WWE brought back The Rock to team up with Mic Foley to job to Randy Orton

Punk should've been on the same level as a Randy Orton right now...Orton had wins over just about all the top legends. Punk was pretty much just the workhorse..Number 2 on the roster yet was fed garbage.
Though he does sound delusional and angry that the crowd still accepts guys like The Rock and Brock...he hates that Rock is such a fukking draw.