He hinted at this a few episodes ago on colts show , he probably wanted it to be on a holiday week so that it could reach the most amount of peopleAJ lost that belt too...maybe her finishing up is why.
CM Punk was over and is still over. Rock didn't have to worry about guys like Hogan, Macho Man, Bret and HBK coming in and taking the main event spots whenever he was on the rise. When Rock lost, he got his win back in the Attitude era. Punk's point is he will never have the opportunity to wrestle these guys again. He mentioned about if he'll have a rematch against Brock and was told no. Punk emphasizes that he's always looking at long-term booking, but the WWE stooges only care about short-term booking.
oh gtfo already. rock was already the top guy in 2000 and had the company's full endorsement. if he lost in 2000 it was due to shady circumstances because under no circumstances was vince ever prepared to tell his audience that someone else on the roster was better.
if rock all of a sudden could not beat billy gunn then you tell me how he's able to recover from that.
That's how a company goes under *cough WCW 1998-2001 cough*
Breh your missing the pointYeah...he had to worry about Shawn, Bret was willing to not be a dikk..that worked out. His real push to the top in 98, they had to push him because the competition wasn't bullshytting. He deserved it but they couldn't fukk it up. Austin needed that great foil and Rock was already having problems staying heel heading into Mania.
The thing with Punk's situation is he didn't have to say yes if it didn't benefit him. Those were his choices. You don't whine about it. Just do it.
"No matter how many times I prove it, I'm not on the collector cups, I'm not in movies, I'm not on any crappy shows on the usa network and I'm barely promoted. I'm not in the poster for wrestlemania and I'm not in the signature that's produced at the start of the show". He got them the mainstream press that only comes with a steroid scandal or a wrestler death and instead of capitalizing, they sabotaged him. I thought my employers were bad at the time that I quit, but good god.you want him to be happy with being #2... but you don't understand that when you believe deep down that you're #1... being #2 isn't enough.
obviously it wasn't about the money anymore. once he made his money and he didn't have to rely on wrestling to make a living, he was able to follow his heart. and his heart told him that no matter how hard he tries, no matter how many times he proves himself... the company was never going to give him that opportunity.
Why would Rock lose to Gunn in 2000? Lol
"I don't give a fukk wrestlemania is the draw, not Rock"
Ok Phillip...
26 pages overnight on thanksgivingPhil got the puters putin at 1:30am![]()