how many people in those arenas who chant "yes" watch daniel bryan every monday night.
how many people in those arenas even know who daniel bryan is.
how many people in those arenas who chant "yes" watch daniel bryan every monday night.
how many people in those arenas even know who daniel bryan is.
Well Cena was the face of the company...but Bryan was who carried the company this year. I wouldn't care had Punk been here when that stuff happened because it was bound to fail. TSC is the one blaming performers for that stuff..not me. U want me too but it's no big deal. WCW has been marginalized and they insult your intelligence forum was trying to cook up against the guy they wanted to blame.
His chant is over I'm wary to say its him and not the chant at sporting events . He is a big part of it but it's catching on due to the easiness of the chant . Yes he was at the Giants stuff but it's not like ESPN is covering dbry punk quiting gotBryan isn't creating mainstream buzz in 4 different sports? Lol
Look let's not confuse reality with Vince's reality . They blamed punk and Bryan for summerslam buys that year but not cena or Brock and they give cena no blame for the loss of network subs and the fact that him and Brock couldn't Pop buyratesWell Cena was the face of the company...but Bryan was who carried the company this year. I wouldn't care had Punk been here when that stuff happened because it was bound to fail. TSC is the one blaming performers for that stuff..not me. U want me too but it's no big deal. WCW has been marginalized and they insult your intelligence in multiple ways with the network...a 12 year old could see why it has rapidly declined since Mania season. What we did see was Vince in near tears doing Yes chants...debunking any gimmick this forum was trying to cook up against the guy they wanted to blame.
His chant is over I'm wary to say its him and not the chant at sporting events . He is a big part of it but it's catching on due to the easiness of the chant . Yes he was at the Giants stuff but it's not like ESPN is covering dbry punk quiting got
Look let's not confuse reality with Vince's reality . They blamed punk and Bryan for summerslam buys that year but not cena or Brock and they give cena no blame for the loss of network subs and the fact that him and Brock couldn't Pop buyrates
This guy had a role in the company and it was a pretty sweet role to have. It sounds to me like he was bitter about not being John Cena but oh well. Not every guy is going to get that chance. He complained about not having people to work with but he worked with Undertaker, Lesnar, Cena, Bryan.. shyt, Punk ALWAYS had something big going on.. He sounded paranoid as hell at times on this..
it sounds like you want the guy to settle for something less than he feels he's worth.
If that was true, why was he settling by mid 2012? Come on....he acts like he was doing 1999 numbers and revolutionizing pro wrestling. Lol.
Not at all. Get as much as you can out of the business. But don't cry to me because you're not THE guy. Should a top executive of a company walk out because he's not the CEO? That's his call but at some point you need to understand that where you are isn't a bad place to be..