So what are you guys liking for tomorrow? Any sports
Im going to parlay the Skins moneyline with something
So what are you guys liking for tomorrow? Any sports
So what are you guys liking for tomorrow? Any sports
One play that might have A LOT of value is whatever the Phoenix Suns spread opens up at against Miami. They play very hard and can shoot the ball. Honestly though, betting against Miami is always dependent on whether or not they feel like showing up or not so it might not be advisable to bet against them.
I'm gonna guess it opens up at +12.5 or +11.5. Let's see what happens with it, either way it will go up probably
Yep, it's opening at +12..
I got a 12 team parlay (similar to that 10 team parlay from earlier) this one for 25 grand..
11 out of 12 hit………Texans/Jags over killed me.
Honestly I just play these big parlays hoping to get a big bankroll honestly. Honestly If I would have hit this I would have just started picking my spots a lot more and started betting around $500 a game (2% of 25,000) and really just stashing it for retirement or something big, not even spending it. Just picking my games and watching it grow overtime.
Let's say each week I come up to you with a proposition. Two of them, actually. Each week you can choose one or the other.
Proposition A is this: Each week you pay me one dollar to roll a single, six-sided die. If the die comes up 1 through 5, I win and I keep your dollar. If you roll a 6, I keep the dollar it cost you to play, but in return for rolling that 6 I now give you a ten dollar bill.
Proposition B: I will give you 50 cents to not play the game at all.
Do you choose proposition A or proposition B... and why.
I will save you some time.
A lot of players here like to hedge their bets. I see this question ("Should I hedge?") asked all the time when they've won 3 or 4 or more legs on a parlay card, with one leg to go.
Hedging their bets "guarantees" them a weekend profit, just like Proposition B does.
On a similar note, taking even money on a blackjack when the dealer has an ace as his upcard (taking insurance) guarantees the player a profit... for that hand.
But choosing Proposition A and not taking insurance gives the player more money long term. (And the long term isn't that long at all.)
At the end of every six weeks, the player taking Proposition A will win a LOT more money (25% more) than the person who always takes Proposition B.
A player taking Prop A, every six weeks on average, will show a profit of $4.00. (Six games he paid to play x $1.00 per game = -$6 + one $10.00 win on average = +$4.00)
Player B, of course, will show a profit of $3.00 every six weeks. And, of course, $4.00 is 25% more than $3.00.
As long as you can afford it, you should always pay to take Prop A even if it cost $100 to play I'm willing to give you $50.00 guaranteed each week, to choose prop B.
Think about this the next time you want to hedge. Hedging comes at a price, and you have to pay that price. Hedging costs you money long term. You've got to get out of the mentality of "weekend profit" and think more of "season profit."
If you always hedge your bets and I never hedge my bets, I will have more money than you after a short period of time.
I don't agree with this premise at all. There's multiple problems: 1st your assuming an unlimited bankroll and guaranteeing the player will even make it to week six to get that money. Secondly you're misunderstanding probability by guaranteeing a win EVERY SIX weeks. THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS, you're going to need a MUCH larger sample size than 6 weeks to guarantee anything. You could go on a 20 week cold streak and then what? In your example you'd keep on playing until you hit. That's cool if you have an unlimited bankroll, but NO ONE does.
You go on to say "as long as you can afford it" but you're already assuming that the person can afford.
In reality most ppl can't "afford" it.
And like someone else pointed out, your assuming every parlay has the same EXACT value, when they don't. The two scenarios your comparing are very unlike one another.
Im getting into an argument with some guy over at covers, I can see why you guys say those guys are idiots.
SOmeone made a thread about a $1000 teaser they have that relies all on 49ers winning tomorrow. Dude made thread wondering if he should hedge or not. The first coupld posts are telling him not to hedge and how hedging is bad. Im expecting to get enlightened with some knowledge as to why, but they give no sound logical reasoning or mathematical reasoning as to why.
This one guy then posts this scenario as to why hedging is bad:
I then retort with this:
Somebody please tell me if Im wrong
It would make zero sense not to hedge that bet to make back what was invested into the original parlay.Im getting into an argument with some guy over at covers, I can see why you guys say those guys are idiots.
SOmeone made a thread about a $1000 teaser they have that relies all on 49ers winning tomorrow. Dude made thread wondering if he should hedge or not. The first coupld posts are telling him not to hedge and how hedging is bad. Im expecting to get enlightened with some knowledge as to why, but they give no sound logical reasoning or mathematical reasoning as to why.
This one guy then posts this scenario as to why hedging is bad:
I then retort with this:
Somebody please tell me if Im wrong
I got a 12 team parlay (similar to that 10 team parlay from earlier) this one for 25 grand..
11 out of 12 hit………Texans/Jags over killed me.
Honestly I just play these big parlays hoping to get a big bankroll honestly. Honestly If I would have hit this I would have just started picking my spots a lot more and started betting around $500 a game (2% of 25,000) and really just stashing it for retirement or something big, not even spending it. Just picking my games and watching it grow overtime.
Believe it or not, I was going to tell you not to hedge earlier for this same reason when you were mentioning making a play on the Broncos when they were down: hedging down the line will cost you profit in the long run, but it can be a smart play in instances where you're down.
There are different schools of thought. There are those who use mathematics and show that over a course of time, hedging will cost you profit (and it does), and there are those who think hedging is smart because it guarantees you profit.
Honestly, it comes down to personal preference. If I have a huge parlay or teaser or some shyt like that, I'm sure as hell going to hedge if it comes down to one play and there's a huge potential for profit either way I play.
I usually don't like hedging though because there's been many instances where I've gambled back money I would've won had I just not caved in to the fear of losing.
At the end of the day, hedging is at the discretion of the bettor.
It would make zero sense not to hedge that bet to make back what was invested into the original parlay.
My God some people are stupid.
If you bet $2000 on a game and your team is up by 14 with 3 minutes to go and I offer you to take $1000 right there and then to cancel your wager, would you take it? No, why not? It's guaranteed money.
Oh well it's because you're way ahead right. You're whiling to risk my $1000 plus your already $2000 at risk to make that extra $1000.
Well it's the same for hedging the last leg, you are always giving up a little more (juice) than the intrinsic value of your ticket.
No those two scenarios you stated are NOT THE SAME. In the scenario you fabricated the % percentage of you winning your parlay in that instance is the exact % of a team winning a game being up 14 with 3min left to play which is probably somewhere north of 90%.. In the OP's scenario the % of him hitting this parlay is the % of the 9ers winning THIS GAME which IS NOT ANYWHERE NEAR 90%....