Street Struck
"Things are happening as I expected. This is the fight that I wanted, and now I have it. This is for all Mexicans"

"Things are happening as I expected. This is the fight that I wanted, and now I have it. This is for all Mexicans"
I wont even shyt on Pactards on that,dont know shyt about boxing.
don't know shyt about anything these days. Worst thing to happen to sports media in America is this fakkit getting unwarranted success off jobless losers who have nothing to do at 10am Monday-Friday but watch him and Stephen A Fetchit have scripted debates.
How is there two WBA Junior Middleweight champions? School me.
Be nice
nice....nice? thats your problem, do you want floyd to go in the ring and fight nice and hold hands with Canelo or sumthin, would your prefer him to do that rather than take a tough challenge. If i ever saw you i would ram ya face into a locker and stuff you in it for having that pathetic mentality.
The WBA declares Super Champions on special occasions, if a fighter is a unified champion then they can be a WBA Super Champion or if they defend the regular belt 5 times. When they declare a Super Champion then their regular belt becomes vacant.
Cotto was a Super Champion when Floyd beat him so the WBA made Floyd a Super Champion while the regular belt was vacant. Austin Trout fought Canelo's brother and won the regular championship. I dont think the Super Champion has to defend normally like a regular champ does which is why Floyd is still a Super Champion. Canelo won the WBA regular championship from Trout and will be putting that up, the regular championship will once again be vacated after this fight because the Super Champion will have both.
Unified champion in what sense? A champ of two weight classes?