Thought I was the only one who hated the Floyd/Pac Stan Wars. Reading the comments section of any article related to either fighter or the fight, is irritating. It's irritating that people like that exist. From a neutral observation, the Pac Stans are the worst. I don't think it's so much that they stan Pac as much as they hate Mayweather. It's pathetic.
I think it's both

Pac stans put the nikka on a pedastal like
Floyd stans (TRUE stans) dont know shyt about boxing. They might as well be one of his weed rolling thots that ride bicycles at 4:00am while he's jogging down the streets

I hate both of em

Now there are exceptions (like the Pac or Floyd stans) that actually follow OTHER boxers/discuss other boxers and matches, but the ones who STRICTLY talk Pacquiao or Floyd, and just blindly hate on the other, gets on my nerves