Florida Bill Could Shield White People From ‘Discomfort’ of Racist Past In Businesses & Schools

Trust Me

Coli Prophet
May 1, 2012
One side is passing a bill saying you can't talk about race because it makes white people uncomfortable. The other side is not. All this other shyt is just deflecting. :stopitslime:

it’s textbook deflecting. It’s what they do. The more they start seeing how truly fukked up the side they rep is.. they slowly start the ‘bu bu but if we’re bad.. then they’re bad too.. because that one time they…’ :unimpressed:

Bro I agree but it's not like Dems are increase your quality of life that much either.
CRT is important yes, but it's not going increase anyone's quality of life or their economic situation.

Follow the money!!
Always follow the money

One side literally wants you and your kind (if you not white) EXTINCT from this planet. Literally would prefer us GONE off this earth altogether. The other side isn’t working fast enough on change, even tho their hands are tied behind their back, with the way our government is run.

#Bothsides tho? Can y’all really be that obtuse?:jbhmm:


Don’t Be Like He-Man
Jul 5, 2012
it’s textbook deflecting. It’s what they do. The more they start seeing how truly fukked up the side they rep is.. they slowly start the ‘bu bu but if we’re bad.. then they’re bad too.. because that one time they…’ :unimpressed:
Ummm.... Hello, i'm the OP!
I started the thread, so obviously i realize it's importance, that's why I made the thread because it should be brought to everyone's attention.
And that one time they... one time they did what? they(repubs) never did anything!
All they brought is damage to the country.

One side literally wants you and your kind (if you not white) EXTINCT from this planet. Literally would prefer us GONE off this earth altogether. The other side isn’t working fast enough on change, even tho their hands are tied behind their back, with the way our government is run.

#Bothsides tho? Can y’all really be that obtuse?:jbhmm:

I know most of TLR is not a fan of Bill Maher, but I wonder if you think like this because of him.
I remember once upon a time, a word every liberal liberal started using anytime anyone said ya but the democrats did this that's bad.
Then Bill Maher popularized the term 'false equivalency', I don't know who birthed the usage of the term in political conversations but he definitely popularized it.
And after that 'false equivalency' 2.0 came about, which is how TLR, especially your DNC coli dude Nap, used the term BothSides.

Listen man, if Peter killed 80 people and Joe killed 30 people are you really going to say what do you mean Joe is a bad guy, that's false equivalency, Peter killed 80 people you shill!!!

This is ridiculous thinking and won't get you anywhere that has a path towards progress.

And then you say the other side(dems) aren't working fast enough on change and have their hands tied behind their back.
This is 100% untrue!!!!!!!!

Here's an example of many things where there are no hands tied behind back.
What Biden Can Do Without Congress (But Won’t)

That is a legit lie that they have their hands tied.
A lie from the party that says the problem are it's followers not party leaders.
They'll never do anything that makes your pockets fatter, anything and everything they do will always be mostly symbolic in nature
Mere symbolism is the most you'll ever get.

Trust Me

Coli Prophet
May 1, 2012
Ummm.... Hello, i'm the OP!
I started the thread, so obviously i realize it's importance, that's why I made the thread because it should be brought to everyone's attention.
And that one time they... one time they did what? they(repubs) never did anything!
All they brought is damage to the country.

I know most of TLR is not a fan of Bill Maher, but I wonder if you think like this because of him.
I remember once upon a time, a word every liberal liberal started using anytime anyone said ya but the democrats did this that's bad.
Then Bill Maher popularized the term 'false equivalency', I don't know who birthed the usage of the term in political conversations but he definitely popularized it.
And after that 'false equivalency' 2.0 came about, which is how TLR, especially your DNC coli dude Nap, used the term BothSides.

Listen man, if Peter killed 80 people and Joe killed 30 people are you really going to say what do you mean Joe is a bad guy, that's false equivalency, Peter killed 80 people you shill!!!

This is ridiculous thinking and won't get you anywhere that has a path towards progress.

And then you say the other side(dems) aren't working fast enough on change and have their hands tied behind their back.
This is 100% untrue!!!!!!!!

Here's an example of many things where there are no hands tied behind back.
What Biden Can Do Without Congress (But Won’t)

That is a legit lie that they have their hands tied.
A lie from the party that says the problem are it's followers not party leaders.
They'll never do anything that makes your pockets fatter, anything and everything they do will always be mostly symbolic in nature
Mere symbolism is the most you'll ever get.

I know who Bill Maher is.. but I’ve never watched a single segment of that man. I’m not gonna write a novel of bullshyt like you just did. Just answer THESE questions for me.

Can the Biden administration:

-pass voter rights laws without the right?
-pass universal health care without the right?
-pass climate change legislation without the right?
-stop gerrymandering by the right?

Let me answer for you. No. They cannot. The voter suppression and gerrymandering are the big ones right now, because we’re about to lose our democracy, and if that happens, we’ll never get it back. Period.

I’m pretty sure one of those ideas is to pack the courts.. which I 110% agree with. But if I’m not mistaken, you’d need to scrap or reform the filibuster for that too. And Manchin/Sinema already came out and said that packing the courts is a non starter for them.

I’m fully aware the there are things that the Biden admin can do.. but those two are the BIG ones right now. I didn’t even click the link, because it’s probably the same ideas people keep peddling out. And I’m not discounting those ideas.. I just think there are bigger fish to fry right now. He’s got 3 more years as president to push forward those ideas.

Edit: and it’s hard to take you serious when you push the ‘it’s not the democratic leaders, it’s the followers that’s the problem’ That was one man’s opinion that was brought on CNN.


Don’t Be Like He-Man
Jul 5, 2012
Edit: and it’s hard to take you serious when you push the ‘it’s not the democratic leaders, it’s the followers that’s the problem’ That was one man’s opinion that was brought on CNN.
I'll answer the rest after my food but for now no, that wasn't one guy.

When Hillary lost she blamed the voters.
Again Bill Maher, ya you don't watch him but liberals DO, had a whole segment how it's the people that is the problem not democratic leaders.
Nancy Pelosi once said the issue is voters want too much and aren't happy when we do so much.
Michael Moore once said democrats should just tell the voters what they want to hear whether you mean it or not so they win, doesn't matter if it's not true.
And many more that I can't recall right now

So no sorry, i've heard it from libs for a long ass time now.
your circle is the lesser evil circle, you know this.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
don't vote brehs

these damn liberals

meanwhile... who's attacking voting rights, education and hiding "bad" history behind a thin lipped smile?

let me go ahead n get this out the way "Canada boy, why do you care you don't live here" am I doing it right? :unimpressed:

now tell me what the prospects are of getting restitution for America's original sin while rethugs are erasing it from history books and even discussion in public spaces


Don’t Be Like He-Man
Jul 5, 2012
let me go ahead n get this out the way "Canada boy, why do you care you don't live here" am I doing it right? :unimpressed:

I'm american, I voted for Biden
Currently in Canada yes, but coming back moving to Austin, Tx around 6 months after covid ends
Canada is too expensive, well quebec is specifically.
However I highly suggest everyone to give Canada a try.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
You cannot replace history.. Nice try Floriduh
I mean they are literally rewriting the history books and curriculum to suit them and omitting things that make their children uncomfortable.

they were perfectly comfortable teaching Black kids shyt that made them uncomfortable and alienated forever tho.

Trust Me

Coli Prophet
May 1, 2012
your circle is the lesser evil circle, you know this.

Even if this WERE true.. one party would rather put people that dont look like them through another genocide, and the other wants equality. How is it that people on this site (or in the world in general) have to be convinced to vote left?


Don’t Be Like He-Man
Jul 5, 2012
Even if this WERE true.. one party would rather put people that dont look like them through another genocide, and the other wants equality. How is it that people on this site (or in the world in general) have to be convinced to vote left?

Equality only in symbolic terms, that's why.
Never economic equality, they are all insider traders and all vote depending on what their corporate donors that are bribing them want.
They are all paid by the military industrial complex, even elizabeth warren who pretends she pro climate change.

Did you see when Candace Owens was arguing with T.I over who's better, republicans or democrats?
Candace was saying repubs are better, T.I was saying no democrats are better.
You know what Killer Mike said?
He told the crowd: "What you are witnessing are two free people arguing who has the better master"
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