FL Studio is my bytch
grab a four bar drum loop, throw it into Feuity Slicer (Channels>Add one>FL Slicer, click and drag sample)
- Top right where it says '4 Beats,' when you drag the sample into Fruity Slicer, it'll originally be like 25 beats, drag that shyt all the way down to 4.
- Then right click on that button with the razor, click 'Slice To Beat'
- Then run the '4 Beats' up to 8. (Also, barely bring up the ATT/DEC like 10ms to clean up the chop 'clicks').
Go to piano roll, you have four chops, repeat the first two drum chops, add the other two on the 4th measure for the changeup

Find a 4 bar sample, Slice it the same way and play it over the drums.
Q2W3E4R5T6Y is the order of fl slicer notes when you're using just keyboard/mouse
the top row of the keyboard becomes a piano for all you 'I miss my triton's 88 keys' cats, in other words, q-w-e-r-t-y are 7 white keys, and the 23 is C#/D#, then 567 is F#/G#/Bb or the black keys. The chops get slightly lagged, so you go into piano roll to realign them.
Then you can take like four 4-bar loops, Slice each one, and then play around like that. Group all the Fruity Slicers together onto one mixer, and add filters or sidechain compress it.
that's the Zen of FL brehs, go fukkin' bananas.
I've got that shyt down to a science, je suis artiste