Why cant we focus on both?
This thread is specifically about wealth inequality in America.
Why cant we focus on both?
This thread is specifically about wealth inequality in America.
I've never spoken against marriage. And marriage does not matter for the specific topic presented in this thread.This thread is specifically about wealth inequality in America.
Talking about marriage rates is a distraction from both the cause and solution for the specific topic of wealth inequality in America.
[quote Preaching against it is destructive to me though which is why I'm combating the rhetoric that marriage doesn't matter.
Public policy is the ONLY thing that dictates wealth distribution.I disagree that it is a distraction. It puts a human face/realistic view if anything. Public policy alone won't ensure wealth distribution.
Public policy is the ONLY thing that dictates wealth distribution.
The only thing talking about marriage does is takes the onus from the people in power, and places it on the powerless.
Because they are doing better than the whites, and its not enough of them to really have a definitive say.Why do all these race disparity charts that I have seen get posted lately constantly keep out Asian Americans?
Define wealth.
Right. That's why the focus should be on public policy solutions, not personal or familial ones. Black people promote this idea that "family structure" is the root of our problems because they think it's an easy fix.
No one said anything about waiting for government to do anything.Nope. It's saying that people cannot wait only on government to take charge of their lives.
Black peoples are ~15% regardless of what we do that's how much power we have alone. Only way to gain more power is to secure allies outside of our own.People-black people-need to acknowledge that the decisions can be a detriment in a society in which it is already an uphill battle. There is strength in numbers than alone.
Wealth is not built in a single generation
Either address the points or stay out of the conversation.
broad stays switching points
Exactly, because White Wealth has nothing to do with marriage.
They already built the wealth on our back
"Exclusion" has never been a benefit to any society.
What you are suggesting is for black people to purposely besiege ourselves within the white supremacy structure in America.
The Jews were handed resources throughout history all over the world, and are a part of the white power structure in America today.The Jews say hi.
It seems this guy believes it's ok to sire children with a woman (or women even) and the man not being there because women are responsible for rearing them not men. Traditional marriage is a modern, western convention that's not necessary per say in his opinion. Which would mean to say that for black people who are unmarried and single, the women raising kids, the men not there, doesn't really matter. It's just a different family structure that has nothing to do with wealth building, community building, etc. ...
It's a mentality that I don't agree with but now I see some men (and maybe women) aspire to this.. .