Damn, when you actually see the Bat/Ironman suit side by side the reboot Robocop the shyt is damn near identical.

I think on the making of Robocop the original designer of the OG Robo suit said he did thousands of drafts to make the suit look more human than machine since one of the themes of the movie was to blur the line of what gives people their humanity, that if you put a actually person's brain into a machine but wipe the brain of it's memories and replace it with programs and protocols will it still behave like a robot or will it's human side surface so I'm guessing the current reboot Robocop is what the OG would have looked if the technology was available at the time.
The OG Robo suit is classic though they weren't going to recreate that magic they could have atleast made it less of a clone to the others. Ripping off Master Chief's Halo suit would have made more sense it looks more robotic like.