Originally, Damien was supposed to die at the end of the comic the animated special is based on. But Damien was so popular Morrison couldn't do it. So he stretched out the storyline. But then Damien became a star, and other writers, tomasi in particular, started doing amazing things with the character. But in typical Morrison fashion, he said screw what everyone else is doing in continuity, Screw the new 52, I'm gonna finish my story now.
And oh yeah. Damien dies before it's over.
Story wasn't even that good. And I'm a huge Morrison fan. Damien didn't need to die in that bullshyt. Especially since he's a clone, and has been put back together using parts from other clones in the past. Everyone seems to have forgotten that fact tho, out of deference to Morrison.
Young knight was the gulliest goon in the bat family tho.
Find morrisons b&r run where dikk takes the bat-mantle and Damien is his robin. Young knight and young night had a flying bat mobile, parachute capes, and Damien beat a bad guy so hard the fat fukk prolly has brain damage. And that's just the first three issues.
"Crime is doomed." -Young Knight