I'm not saying completely ignore past results, but Tomlin has underachieved in the postseason and really needs to reevaluate his staff, his in game management and the preparation of his team. Again I don't think he needs to be fired but he's gotta step it up...you can't keep pointing to his overall win loss record as a way to excuse his lack of execution in these playoff games
His relationship with his coordinators is very important because he has a delegating leadership style with them. He gives them a long leash to do what they do without having to constantly justify it to him.
He is very good at taking the heat and being the front man while also keeping internal comraderie up and conflict down.
@3Rivers has posted the clip a few times now, but Haley was calling toss sweeps on 4th and short way back in his KC days. Tomlin empowered him to make the best call and Haley’s own deficiency shined through in that moment as it has in others.
The Steelers are a great organization and they can bring in the top tier coordinators and position coaches, which they have at a few groups: WR, OL, DL This is why it’s beneficial to have a delegator leadership style at head coach. But the few groups that the position coaches have struggled also really shine through: OC, LB