This is a little off topic but it's something I've noticed about the dynamics between black-white interracial relationships.
When you think about it, ever since you've grown up who are the two groups that are constantly dissuaded from being in interracial relationships with one another are black men and white women. Black men get told by their mothers and female relatives "Don't bring home no white girl"

and white women get told by their fathers and male relatives "Don't bring home no nikka"

And what's funny is that these warnings never stop these relationships and it makes up the majority white-black interracial relationships.

Black men and white women both know what the deal is when it comes to this so that's why alot of those relations are primarily sexual in nature because they know that they can't bring each other home. It's like a mutual agreement.
Meanwhile the other pairing, the white man-black woman combo rarely happens, but when you think about it, it should happen more. I mean when you think about it no one is preventing black women from being with white men. It's not like there are fathers in the households to dissuade them and a black mother usually will not trip about her daughter dating a white man, in fact alot of times they'll encourage it. White men aren't really told not to date black women, they just don't seem to be into black women like that but if they want to date a black woman nothing can really stop them. There's no white women complaining about losing white men to black women to dissuade them from dating black women.
Truth be told I think if people weren't so focused on dissuading white women and black men from being together, I think you would see less of these relationships but the more they detest to see these couples together, the more it will add to that "forbidden fruit" factor which will increase the amount of these relationships.