Truth is inherent; everything else is fact, opinion and propaganda. To put it in another way, truth is what a thing is, facts are statistical and subject to change and variation, opinions conclude to form personal ideals, and propaganda slants the facts to persuade opinion.
All vie for the truth, yet truth always stands alone.
...suprising well said. Truth vs fact vs opinion vs propaganda...I'm only interested in delivering the truth...the known in regards to certain subjects devoid of opinion and propaganda...but not necissarily fact. Facts as you described them sometimes need to be given they key here IMHO would be delivering as many pro/con facts as possible to provide enough information for a person to reasonably digest any one particular issue.
The term "truth" is ambiguous and not really as cut and dry as people here making it out to be.
As humans we look at reality from our own POV, and I'd argue that we can't completely divorce ourselves from it. We make judgements about the world based on our own knowledge and perception. It's how people are built. To think we can somehow ignore our own perception and make a neutral judgement on the "truth" seems naive. Maybe if you're talking about a math equation sure, but most real life situations are not that straightforward.
I don't think that's necessarily true though. We as humans also have the ability to overcome that prejudice. If someone doesn't like something, let's say gay marriage, but is able to look at all the "truths" and arrive at the conclusion that there's nothing wrong with it isn't that the same thing. IMHO it takes looking past your own pride...which as humans is hard as all hell, but not impossible.
I've had discussions with people in things that they were die hard supporters of and when presented with truths/facts they did not change their opinion, it had nothing to do with their inability to understand but IMHO more to do with their pride in not wanting to be wrong. THAT as I see it is the issue one must tackle when trying to present truth. Most people are CAPABLE of being reasonable...but most people aren't reasonable when their perception of the truth is destroyed...what's the disconnect? I say pride.
Never the less I feel it would be possible to deliver "the truth" on a subject.
In the context of what we are speaking political/economic news(im assuming), I think there are absolutely objective truths... and to deliver these objective truths, would be to divorce yourself from the issue.
Which is more than possible.
If the news is about individuals(people not having a constant value as with math) than objective truth does become fuzzy.
yes and no. If it's about something they did, well you can clearly say John Smith robbed a bank. That's a truth. If you want to start opining on his motives then sure that's more objective but even in regards to people you can see truth...and "report" on it.
If you knew of a website that gave you both sides of an argument, and summarized it without conclusions being drawn out would that be valuable to you?