so the sidequests are flabby?
Because of the Witcher I can no longer be entertained by PG rates quests but that's because of the deep seeded need to see something evil inside of me.
The side quests typically lead to fighting enemies so there's that but the quests themselves are very generic.
The monster hunts are where it's at and the intensity level of enemies picks up dramatically at level 3. Like you don't wanna be in then streets at night. You will be overwhelmed and destroyed.
Like Witcher if you do to many pointless side stuff like collecting items on the screen you will get burned out. If you want to keep things fresh do story, hunts and side quests only. Collect items that are near your side missions if you have ocd and need to empty the map of items but again you will get burned out like Witcher doing this.
The story stuff to me is engaging and I enjoy the terrain I explore and monsters I fight doing fetch quests. There's a lot to do but I think people want more rated M side quests or side quests that revolve around some kind of story instead of.
O gee wilikers I'm missing my favorite frogs