10 years for this shyt
I'll never cop a main FF game with Tabata and Kitase as directors again. It's a shame Nomura left the production and this is coming from a guy who is tired of his fakkit designs.
- Fetch quests after fetch quests. Not really a ideal thing given the background of your character. I'd rather play any Elder Scrolls or Witcher if that's what I wanted to do. Game is basically 80% side quest, 20% main story.
- Story

. Had the potential but terrible execution
- No challenge whatsoever compared to older games (Yiazmat, anyone? Weapons? Ozma or even Dark Aeons?)
- Lack of overall skills and magic. Fire, Thunder and Blizzard are the only ones you can cast

- Regalia is so useless and redundant, especially with chocobos out there.
- Unsympathetic characters, NPCs and villains. And it used to be the strength of the series
Good game and probably better than XIII but doesn't really warrant $50 season pass, let alone a $60 price tag
I'd jump on the DQ ship I were a hardcore JRPG fan. DQXI looks more piff already.