So there's gonna be a update soon, couple minor things but a couple major changes regarding a later (also shytty) chapter.
future update roadmap is released
they are adjusting chapter 13, and also adding stuff like new cutscenes regarding Ravus to make it more clear.
FFXV Update road map
Short term goals
First of all, improve chapter 13. In order to do this we will be increasing the strength of the ring magic etc.
Mid term goals
Improve the story in the second half by having full voiced event scenes. This is mid term goal since they have to localize all the new stuff into several different languages which takes time.
Long term goals
Allow the important characters that appeared in the story to be playable. Also currently determining if they will add an avatar system in the game, where you can create your own character.
New game +, Low level runs, invincibility options, increase font size to make text more easy to read.
Wait a minute are you telling me they Metal Gear Solid 5'd this game or some shyt